Ron Paul Is the Tin Cup Of Conservatism

Discussion in 'Politics' started by AAAintheBeltway, Feb 8, 2012.

  1. Brass


    Geography, maybe. To this Canadian, the US South is a lot alike politically. And, by virtue of their being Southern states, they're grouped together geographically, as well. And the two mentioned above both have a Paul in politics. Honest mistake. Enjoy your moment in the sun.
    #31     Feb 9, 2012
  2. byteme


    #32     Feb 9, 2012
  3. Lucrum



    #33     Feb 9, 2012
  4. Ah, i "honest mistake". However, when anyone else makes an "honest" grammatical error, it's worthy of your arrogant derision, correct?
    #34     Feb 9, 2012
  5. A week ago it looked like Romney was inevitable. A week before that, Gingrich. Now Santorum. Maybe old Doc Paul is laying back, biding his time, getting ready to let it rip on the last lap.

    At this rate the voters will be so disgusted with the other three candidates, they may turn to Paul just because he is so darn likeable. He is like a character in a Jimmy Stewart movie, the kindly old country doctor with a heart of gold and a ton of good advice.
    #35     Feb 9, 2012
  6. His delegate strategy may actually pay off yet:

    They all laughed at Ron Paul. They all laughed when he took a stage in Minnesota, having come in a solid second place, and reminded the faithful of a "little thing called delegates!"

    They were serious about it. Paul's people believe that they understand the delegate process, and that the media does not. There is truth here: The delegate process is confusing, and I assume that Paul supporters have used their four years of organizing and studying in a fruitful manner. In an e-mail to supporters, they try to get granular about what's occuring.
    We are confident in gaining a much larger share of delegates than even our impressive showing yesterday indicates. As an example of our campaign’s delegate strength, take a look at what has occurred in Colorado:
    - In one precinct in Larimer County, the straw poll vote was 23 for Santorum, 13 for Paul, 5 for Romney, 2 for Gingrich. There were 13 delegate slots, and Ron Paul got ALL 13.

    - In a precinct in Delta County the vote was 22 for Santorum, 12 for Romney, 8 for Paul, 7 for Gingrich. There were 5 delegate slots, and ALL 5 went to Ron Paul.

    - In a Pueblo County precinct, the vote was 16 for Santorum, 11 for Romney, 3 for Gingrich and 2 for Paul. There were 2 delegate slots filled, and both were filled by Ron Paul supporters.

    - We are also seeing the same trends in Minnesota, Nevada, and Iowa, and in Missouri as well.
    For this to stick, Paul's activists have to show up at the next votes -- small affairs, not much media, happening in March -- and control the delegate process. Then they have to show up at conventions and repeat it. This is actually doable.
    #36     Feb 9, 2012
  7. rew


    You are against Ron Paul's foreign policy. That means you want us to have hundreds of military bases in dozens of countries and jump into any damn war that happens to come along. (Such as, say, a civil war in Libya.) Playing world cop costs us many, many billions of dollars each year. So yes, you do want us to waste money on that.
    #37     Feb 9, 2012
  8. Paul could be elected and not a damn thing would change. Why? Having to deal with 535 criminally corrupt and morally bankrupt members of congress for one thing. If that's not enough his foreign and fiscal policies would threaten the bottom line of the corporate thugs to such a degree I could see them arranging an "accident" for Mr. Paul. The powers that be will never let him close to the Oval Office. Bet the farm on that!
    #38     Feb 9, 2012
  9. Brass


    No, not typos lately. I'm focusing on self-righteous Real Americans who use the wrong words entirely (and in some instances repeatedly). It's fun. You should try it.
    #39     Feb 9, 2012
  10. Corny, you bet. Fun, absolutely. 'Holy batpoop Batman' got to love it.

    And now, with Adam West as Mayor of Homer Simpson's town, too funny.

    We all need to laugh sometimes, where is Nutmeg, calling Nutmeg.

    #40     Feb 9, 2012