Ron Paul Humiliates Ben Bernanke so bad that CNBC had to cut him off.

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by aeliodon, Jul 16, 2008.

  1. inflation is the destruction of wealth by the state when they print mone they don't have or borrow money to pay for wars they can't afford or gov't burecracy. 500 millions a year to support the bureaucrats at SEC for putting martha stewart in bars for 5 months. Cost the taxpayer 1 million for martha stewart and that is just one example of wasted tax dollars.

    less gov't is better gov't quote

    citizens given up their individual freedoms so the state can 'protect' them. Don't Americans have the right to carry M-16 in their house.. who needs cops.

    stock market suck
    cash suck
    bonds suck interest rates goes up in inflation.

    only thing is commodities. hard assets and real estate but real estate is illiquid.

    #11     Jul 16, 2008
  2. shut down the SEC and the brokers/traders association can enforce the rules themselves.

    #12     Jul 16, 2008
  3. Anyone is able to measure the delay in terms of seconds of the streaming over net vs. Blomberg TV via cable/sat?
    #13     Jul 16, 2008
  4. ....with baseball bats, just like the old days.....
    #14     Jul 16, 2008
  5. That guy Bunning said that the Fed was given the power to oversee mortgage lenders in the early 1990's - but they getting to using it this week??
    #15     Jul 16, 2008
  6. piezoe


    Direct taxation, wage cuts, inflation. They all take buying power away though they are not (usually) visited equally on all segments of society. So depending on your station in life you might have a preference for one or the other. But realistically, there is nothing wrong about speaking of inflation or wage cuts for that matter as a tax. If you cut direct taxation and substitute indirect taxation via inflation you have in effect introduced an "inflation tax" as a substitute for direct taxation. That's why all this talk by politicians to the affect "I will not raise your taxes" is an absurdity. Who do they think they are kidding? Most of the population apparently!

    Bush says he has cut taxes when in effect he has raised our indirect taxes by an incredible amount via deficit spending->monetization of the debt-> inflation. He's a liar and a thief, as is any politician who claims to lower your taxes and than takes even more out of your pocket than the claimed tax cuts via inflation or foregone wage increases.
    #16     Jul 16, 2008

  7. Excellent observation, Land.
    #17     Jul 16, 2008
  8. Diego11


    Well there is a bearish situation from a global standpoint.. But I beleive after the war for oil the gold will get even stronger.... So there for I am bearish on stocks eventhough after the war I like stocks again especially if a positive ouctome + good job reports etc.
    #18     Jul 16, 2008


    Ron Paul is great, shame that majority of Americans just don't or don't want to understand what the hell he is talking about. If I was American he would have my vote. He speaks the truth, others just concentrate on how well they bullshit the crowd, they all treat Americans as a bunch of really gullible people, telling you what you want to hear. Shame.
    #19     Jul 16, 2008
  10. 1994 to be exact.

    But Bernanke didn't come into office as Fed Chairman till 2006. His predecessor was Alan ( I love to pump ) Greenspan who was Fed chairman from 1987 - January 2006.

    People ( on ET ) mistakenly blame Ben Bernanke, yet he's simply cleaning-up Alan's mess while Congress and the Bush Administration act like "deer caught in headlights."
    #20     Jul 16, 2008