Ron Paul had it RIGHT 20 years ago!!!

Discussion in 'Economics' started by AMT4SWA, Feb 16, 2009.

  1. As a Ron Paul campaign supporter here in Austin, TX and a person that has supported Ron Paul for some time now, I can say he is a true CONSTITUTIONALIST! So, if he advocates states getting their rights back and the current federal govt criminal syndicate moving back to a constitutional realm of LIMITED POWER.....I say A-FRICKEN-MEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cool:
    #11     Feb 16, 2009
  2. gnome


    It's obvious few ETers (nor other Americans) have studied the economic history of the US in even the most cursory fashion.

    Suggest everyone do so. Not only will you be enlightened to the magnitude of today's mess, it's a captivating story.
    #12     Feb 16, 2009
  3. The only thing dumber than a republican is a ron paul supporter. Talk about the gullible...

    Meet the Press’ transcript for Dec. 23, 2007

    MR. RUSSERT: When I looked at your record, you talked about big government and how opposed you are to it, but you seem to have a different attitude about your own congressional district. For example, "Congress decided to send billions of dollars to victims of Hurricane Katrina. Guess how Ron Paul voted. `Is bailing out people" that choose--"that chose to live on the coastline a proper function of the federal government?' he asks." And you said no. And yet, this: "Paul's current district, which includes Galveston and reaches into" the "Brazoria County, draws a substantial amount of federal flood insurance payments." For your own congressional district. This is the Houston Chronicle: "Representative Ron Paul has long crusaded against a big central government. But he also" "represented a congressional district that's consistently among the top in Texas in its reliance on dollars from Washington. In the first nine months of the federal government's" fiscal "2006 fiscal year," "it received more than $4 billion." And they report, The Wall Street Journal, 65 earmark-targeted projects, $400 million that you have put into congressional bills for your district, which leads us to the Congressional Quarterly. "The Earmark Dossier of `Dr. No.' There isn't much that" Ron--Dr. "Ron Paul thinks the federal government should do. Apparently, though, earmarks" for his district "are OK. Paul is the sponsor of no fewer than 10 earmarks in the water resources bill," all benefiting his district. The Gulf Intercoastal Waterway: $32 million. The sunken ship you want to be moved from Freeport Harbor. The Bayou Navigation Channel. They talk about $8 million for shrimp fishermen.


    He also wanted term limits for Congress. And how long has he been in Congress?? Too funny.
    #13     Feb 16, 2009
  4. With the REVENUE added to the US Treasury from OIL COMPANY activity alone in these waterways (in and around the Houston area), earmarks for this area are a "fart in the hurricane" REFUND back from District 14 monies sent to the treasury as TAXES!

    Ron Paul...keep up the EXCELLENT work!!! :cool:
    #14     Feb 16, 2009
  5. harkm


    You are missing the point. Ron Paul is nothing more than a congressman with little power. He does what is best for his district or he isn't elected. Does that mean that he should keep a lid on his macro views on money and banking?
    #15     Feb 16, 2009
  6. so much for democracy. Right guy never get elected. I feel frustrated.

    Ron Paul is one the few who understand the problems, and probably have solutions. Most of politicians do not even understand the current problems.
    #16     Feb 16, 2009
  7. Too libertarian yes, but at least he has a clue as to how the world of economics works

    "...They have control of money, and they KNOW what policy will be down the road"
    #17     Feb 16, 2009
  8. I dont want him for president. Too libertarian for that.
    But as secretary of the treasury he would do a hell of a job.

    #18     Feb 16, 2009
  9. I agree.

    If he acted that way within his own district, he'd never get any support and he wouldn't be in office.

    The people are too stupid to understand it. He still has to "play the game". It seems as though he bites his tongue sometimes because he doesn't want people to think he's a crack-pot.
    #19     Feb 16, 2009
  10. What are you guys talking about?!?! That Ron Paul guy was all wrong!!! McCain when asked whether he would keep the President's Working Group knew, umm, errrr, ahhh, that he had Jack Kemp on his side?!?! Oh, and Mohammed Obama knew that he could never get elected, if he stood by his original commitment to only use Federal funds for the campaign, so he backed out of that, honest Obama supporters be damned!!! This Ron Paul fellow, well, he only stood/stands for sound money and following the Constitution...what the hell do they have to do with our society anyway?!!?! Sorry, I'll turn my sarcasm off and return to eating my food ;-)
    #20     Feb 16, 2009