Ron Paul believes Libya intervention an ‘impeachable’ offense

Discussion in 'Politics' started by bearice, Mar 23, 2011.

Is Libya intervention an ‘impeachable’ offense?

  1. Yes

    40 vote(s)
  2. No

    22 vote(s)
  1. That's exactly the Founders' point. We shouldn't be "fucking with" other countries in a war-like manner. The President shouldn't be allowed the authority to do so on his own initiative or whim.... we should be "fucking with" other countries in a war-like manner ONLY after there is a state of war as declared by Congress. War is serious business... to be avoided except when there is no alternative.

    Wasn't the War of 1812 started by the British committing impressment of US seamen? That's an 'act of war', but bombing the shit out of a country with tomahawk missiles isn't?
    #31     Mar 23, 2011
  2. Locutus


    I really don't see the problem. I'm sure the government thought of this before they acted so I assume there really is no problem with this.

    The pres commands the armed forces. He says blow shit up, shit gets blown up. Righteous!
    #32     Mar 23, 2011
  3. Larson

    Larson Guest

    Moron or troll or maybe both, I cannot figure out which one you are.
    #33     Mar 23, 2011
  4. ElCubano


    I just hope he doesnt get an itchy trigger finger every time a dictator and rebels go at it. We'd be bombing almost all of the middle east right about now....
    #34     Mar 23, 2011
  5. Locutus


    The world was quite different in that time and whatever the point may have been is certainly less applicable today.

    Also, if you think elected officials have much power then that would be a serious mistake also. Government is run by government. Each election the puppets change but the guys working at the department of foreign affairs (or w/e you call it across the pond) will stay the same for decades.

    Thank god for that also. Imagine what it would be like if government policy was *really* changed every 4 or 8 years.

    So here's what probably happened: Bigwig from defence dept. wanted to bomb Libya, thus it happened.

    Before you start whinging and mention democracy, this is what your precious founding fathers wanted anyway. They were never really in favor of "mob rule", which is what democracy inevitably turns out to be if you give anyone a vote. The current setup does prevent that.
    #35     Mar 23, 2011
  6. Suggest you change your name to "Liberal Left Locutus".
    #36     Mar 23, 2011
  7. Locutus


    How about BOTH?

    Well, most of the middle east isn't commiting genocide in a civil war situation is it? If the US had waited other ME nations might have gotten involved, Syria or Saudi Arabia. That wouldn't have been pleasant.

    If things continue to escalate I think and hope they will be able to bomb a lot more.
    #37     Mar 23, 2011
  8. Have you ever noticed that America is only bombing/warring against weak foes... ones which can't strike back in any significant manner?

    Think we will try this crap on China or Russia?
    #38     Mar 23, 2011
  9. Larson

    Larson Guest

    Notice Russia and China sit and watch while we deplete resources and national wealth bombing countries. Who is smarter?
    #39     Mar 23, 2011
  10. While true, it's not the point.

    Russia and China are not pretending to be "policeman of the world".... nor should we.
    #40     Mar 23, 2011