ron baron says equities are in "less than the 1st inning NO outs!!!!

Discussion in 'Trading' started by S2007S, Feb 9, 2012.

  1. S2007S


    No risk and still in the 1st inning of this market rally with NO outs, ZERO outs!!!!

    <object id="cnbcplayer" height="380" width="400" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0" > <param name="type" value="application/x-shockwave-flash"/> <param name="allowfullscreen" value="true"/> <param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"/> <param name="quality" value="best"/> <param name="scale" value="noscale" /> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"/> <param name="bgcolor" value="#000000"/> <param name="salign" value="lt"/> <param name="flashVars" value="startTime=000"/> <param name="flashVars" value="endTime=000"/> <param name="movie" value="" /> <embed name="cnbcplayer" PLUGINSPAGE="" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" bgcolor="#000000" height="380" width="400" quality="best" wmode="transparent" scale="noscale" salign="lt" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" /></object>

    Talk about being a perma Bull, this guy is just hilarious. Dont you get all warm and cozy when you hear a pema bull tell you that this is just the first inning of a 9 inning game.

    He also goes on to say that "Greece is the size of Delaware, the size of Delaware this is what everyone is talking about Greece is the size of Delaware do you really think its going to have an impact on the world"

    It seems everyone thinks greece isnt a problem, if this is the case then stop bailing them out and see what happens, even jamie dimon says the impact on US banks from a greek default is almost ZERO!!!!

    Jamie Dimon: impact on U.S. banks of a Greek default is “almost zero”

    <object id="cnbcplayer" height="380" width="400" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0" > <param name="type" value="application/x-shockwave-flash"/> <param name="allowfullscreen" value="true"/> <param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"/> <param name="quality" value="best"/> <param name="scale" value="noscale" /> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"/> <param name="bgcolor" value="#000000"/> <param name="salign" value="lt"/> <param name="flashVars" value="startTime=000"/> <param name="flashVars" value="endTime=000"/> <param name="movie" value="" /> <embed name="cnbcplayer" PLUGINSPAGE="" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" bgcolor="#000000" height="380" width="400" quality="best" wmode="transparent" scale="noscale" salign="lt" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" /></object>
  2. onelots


    i hit the sell button as soon as i read this
  3. good luck bro, why consider what baron says as probable anyway?
  4. S2007S


    Tuned into cnbc for about 20 minutes this morning and could not believe how bullish everyone was, like there is no such thing as a down market and that everything is smooth sailing ahead. Funny how people forget whats really going on, that the system is being pumped with trillions and trillions of dollars to help eliminate any economic problems that may lie ahead. What they dont comprehend is that pumping trillions of dollars into this economy wont solve the problem, but only make it worse in the years to come.
  5. I once was astonished by a politician once saying, "A problem postponed is a problem solved".

  6. S2007S



    :p :p :p :p :p

    That was a good laugh.
  7. Its all a game of psychology. If everybody believes that times are good again, they'll buy buy buy and spend spend spend. The result: a new booming economy.

    Its true in your every day life as well. If you're constantly depressed, you're more likely to become more depressed. Whereas if you are positive and happy, life tends to get a lot better.
  8. Never try to teach a permabear to be bullish. It wastes your time and annoys the bear.
    Vice versa is also true, of course.
  9. As much grief as S2000S gets around here for some of his theatrics, the gist of it is correct. How can anybody rationally value stocks, bonds, etc in light of the central planning aspect to all things financial? The way some people talk about the bullish aspects of this market, you'd think it was 1995 all over again.

    There is a marked difference between a bull market that stands on its own two feet versus one that persists solely on the perception of central bank interference and support into perpetuity. The Fed is operating in unchartered territory and went further into the "all in" camp when it said it would extend ZIRP into 2014...Less than a week later we get that employment report which suggests that they should NOT be pushing the "pedal to the metal".
  10. This is true, which is why the Bernank has mentioned that boosting stock prices is part and parcel of the "fight deflation at all costs" policy objective. Put a gun to everybody's heads, herd them out of "conservative" assets and into the more risk averse assets to perpetuate the "risk on" trade.

    So long as stocks sky, the media takes the focus off of commodity prices, dollar devaluation and any real measure of the economy, it's the headline effect of "Dow closes higher for 8th day in a row" that creates the confidence for consumers to borrow and spend.

    Of course, we are two decades into this philosophy of central planning, so it's become a bit long in the tooth, but that doesn't stop them from repeating this cycle over and over again...damn the consequences.
    #10     Feb 9, 2012