Romney, servant of the 51st non-tax paying shadow state Israel

Discussion in 'Politics' started by walter4, Jul 31, 2012.

  1. Romney, servant of the 51st non-tax paying shadow state Israel, backpeddles after realizing that Americans don't quite care about Israel as much as the media has conditioned them to. I guess it's time to take off that silly yarmulke and start pretending to be one of us. You know, the non-Jewish American citizens that pay the taxes that traitorous politicians like you use to defenda state that provides us NOTHING in return except wars to fight.
  2. its more than that. israel is the landing zone for when jesus returns according to the bible. that is why america sends them so much money.
  3. TheBlackHand

    TheBlackHand Guest

    You forgot terrorism. The support of Israel has also brought terrorism to American shores.

    Heres what supporting Israel has brought in numbers:

    Total number killed in attacks (official figure as of 9/5/02): 2,819
    Number of firefighters and paramedics killed: 343
    Number of NYPD officers: 23
    Number of Port Authority police officers: 37
    Number of WTC companies that lost people: 60
    Number of employees who died in Tower One: 1,402
    Number of employees who died in Tower Two: 614
    Number of employees lost at Cantor Fitzgerald: 658
    Number of U.S. troops killed in Operation Enduring Freedom: 22
    Number of nations whose citizens were killed in attacks: 115
    Ratio of men to women who died: 3:1
    Age of the greatest number who died: between 35 and 39
    Bodies found "intact": 289
    Body parts found: 19,858
    Number of families who got no remains: 1,717
    Estimated units of blood donated to the New York Blood Center: 36,000
    Total units of donated blood actually used: 258
    Number of people who lost a spouse or partner in the attacks: 1,609
    Estimated number of children who lost a parent: 3,051
    Percentage of Americans who knew someone hurt or killed in the attacks: 20
    FDNY retirements, January–July 2001: 274
    FDNY retirements, January–July 2002: 661
    Number of firefighters on leave for respiratory problems by January 2002: 300
    Number of funerals attended by Rudy Giuliani in 2001: 200
    Number of FDNY vehicles destroyed: 98
    Tons of debris removed from site: 1,506,124
    Days fires continued to burn after the attack: 99
    Jobs lost in New York owing to the attacks: 146,100
    Days the New York Stock Exchange was closed: 6
    Point drop in the Dow Jones industrial average when the NYSE reopened: 684.81
    Days after 9/11 that the U.S. began bombing Afghanistan: 26
    Total number of hate crimes reported to the Council on American-Islamic Relations nationwide since 9/11: 1,714
    Economic loss to New York in month following the attacks: $105 billion
    Estimated cost of cleanup: $600 million
    Total FEMA money spent on the emergency: $970 million
    Estimated amount donated to 9/11 charities: $1.4 billion
    Estimated amount of insurance paid worldwide related to 9/11: $40.2 billion
    Estimated amount of money needed to overhaul lower-Manhattan subways: $7.5 billion
    Amount of money recently granted by U.S. government to overhaul lower-Manhattan subways: $4.55 billion
    Estimated amount of money raised for funds dedicated to NYPD and FDNY families: $500 million
    Percentage of total charity money raised going to FDNY and NYPD families: 25
    Average benefit already received by each FDNY and NYPD widow: $1 million
    Percentage increase in law-school applications from 2001 to 2002: 17.9
    Percentage increase in Peace Corps applications from 2001 to 2002: 40
    Percentage increase in CIA applications from 2001 to 2002: 50
    Number of songs Clear Channel Radio considered "inappropriate" to play after 9/11: 150
    Number of mentions of 9/11 at the Oscars: 26
    Apartments in lower Manhattan eligible for asbestos cleanup: 30,000
    Number of apartments whose residents have requested cleanup and testing: 4,110
    Number of Americans who changed their 2001 holiday-travel plans from plane to train or car: 1.4 million
    Estimated number of New Yorkers suffering from post-traumatic-stress disorder as a result of 9/11: 422,000

  4. Anyone that doesnt help someone surround by enemies like Israel is, is a coward and America has no place for people like you. Its Land of the free home of the BRAVE, Not home of the "Cowards"
  5. TheBlackHand

    TheBlackHand Guest

    Its fairly clear to any objective person that Israel creates it's own enemies.

    So by your argument, America should in fact be helping out the Palestinian people who are surrounded by Israel taking over and invading their land and stopping free trade and development.

    And please dont say 'Palestinians are terrorists', because American people supported the IRA terrorist organisation along with Col. Gadaffi.

    So by your argument, America should be helping out the rebels in Syria who are surrounded by an evil dictator.

    etc, etc.

    Sorry, but I think you will have to dig a little deeper on this one.

  6. Iran is also surrounded by enemies :)