Romney says let the automakers go bankrupt

Discussion in 'Politics' started by insider trading, Nov 19, 2008.

  1. Yannis


    No matter what the arguments and the various cost/benefit analyses that will be endlessly debated, as if anyone believes them, Obama, imo, cannot afford to let the UAW disintegrate, essentially because they are a major part of his power base. They, and others like them, got him elected and he has to deliver. So, he will eventually give a moving speech that will, once again, send jitters up Chris Matthews legs (as if any one with a brain believes THAT) and explain why it is to our national interest and collective benefit to redistribute some wealth and save the automakers. The Republicans know that charade and are busy staking opposite positions as they are once again rediscovering their fiscal responsibilty roots, sort of. The only thing for the American public to do is realize that either way we are getting screwed again. :D
    #11     Nov 19, 2008
  2. Yeah he's a thinker all right, thinking how can he pay back three quarters of a Billion in donations with a few favors...
    #12     Nov 19, 2008
  3. Romney's intelligence put off most conservative voters. lol.
    #13     Nov 19, 2008
  4. Mercor


    Jan 21, 2009

    Detroit gets all they ask for!
    #14     Nov 19, 2008
  5. So are you saying if he runs in 2012 that the liberals won't even understand a single word he says? Crap, that means Barry would win again since he knows how to talk down to his cult followers.
    #15     Nov 20, 2008

  6. If you want to your country be more like china, why not just say so, and stop buying there incredibly cheap goods.
    #16     Nov 20, 2008