Romney says he likes parts of 'Obamacare'

Discussion in 'Politics' started by AK Forty Seven, Sep 9, 2012.

  1. Lucrum


    Then I guess the Obama loons should like parts of Romney.
    #11     Sep 9, 2012
  2. Odd how you seem to consider yourself such an expert on affirmative action.

    Guess I'll have to brush up on it and other socio-economic areas of poor outcomes for those in the lower IQ distribution.

    I would say expect a new thread in the future (at my convenience of course) but since you have me on ignore you'll be spared the shame.

    lucky you

    :D :D
    #12     Sep 9, 2012
  3. Probably. Which Romney? Liberal health care Romney? Middle of the Road Romney, who will say and do anything to win? Or the ROve Romney, part of the ryan/romney ticket? Maybe conservative Romney? What do we do? Can't really pick one, since they keep moving. But, then again, we have a much better choice in Obama. Sorry if that hurts Luke.
    #13     Sep 9, 2012
  4. Lucrum


    Any Romney you like.
    Well that was kinda my point.
    Only if you're a "centrist",
    Have you really deluded yourself into believing Obama is not EXACTLY the same?
    There's a conservative Romney?
    Vote for change
    At least you admit THEY keep moving
    Only if you believe in the tooth fairy or just want a certified pot head stoner in The WH.
    #14     Sep 9, 2012

  5. Nice cutting and pasting there Luke. Again, nothing that makes any sense, but cute once again. I know you prefer the Mormon, racial hating guy. But wait, that was years ago when Mormons hated blacks. And, how long ago did they say Obama may have inhaled. Geebus, once more Luke,

    My position has been stated many times. Social liberal, and loving it. Don't want the gov't in my bedroom, and I don't want the gov't involved in anything to do with women's health rights. Fiscal, I lean more conservative. I would think you'd get that by now. Label if you like, but it's just the facts.
    #15     Sep 9, 2012
  6. Lucrum


    Cut and paste? I was quoting you genius.
    Don't you really mean nothing you can counter?
    I'll take a Mormon over a moron any day. Sorry but it's how I roll.
    But you have no problem defending Obama's runaway spending? Please, do tell.
    #16     Sep 9, 2012
  7. wjk


    So where do you draw the line? When do social programs become fiscally unsound?

    To give you an idea how I think: I personally would like to have seen an end to the war on drugs. The resulting windfall could then have been used to supply healthcare to those in need without re-doing the entire healthcare system for those of us content with our healthcare.

    If a person is healthy, but drawing welfare or food stamps, that individual should be building infrastructure or other work needing done to offset the cost of those benefits.

    You see where I'm going with this? I don't have a problem with social liberalism to some extent (providing programs are proven to work) when we are fiscally responsible about it. This gov is NOT fiscally responsible with OUR money (something they quickly forget when elected)...left or right.
    #17     Sep 9, 2012
  8. First off, THANK YOU, seriously, THANK YOU. So refreshing to actually discuss something of value instead of playing dodge ball with PT and Luke and their buddies on the playground.

    I believe in only short term assistance for WorkFare, making people do something for their money. Sure, it may have a short term impact on employment by causing people to fall off of the rolls earlier. But, in the long run, we will end up with more people doing work. I don't care if it's building bridges or cleaning up the neighborhood, do something for the money.

    And, I agree, STOP the phony war on drugs, Wasted money. Wasted money also on too much quadruple redundant defense. Cut it smartly and evenly across the board.

    My social liberalism applies mainly to keeping the gov't out of the bedrooms and bar rooms of America. The religious fanatics need to stay out of government, as the Founders intended. The right says they advocate smaller gov't, but then want to add more people to keep track of women's reproduction rights. Makes no sense to me.

    It seems we have common ground, which I honestly feel that when people get past the political bullshit of Their Team, and actually discuss solutions, we can get more of.
    #18     Sep 9, 2012