Romney Picks Paul Ryan of Wisconsin

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Free Thinker, Aug 11, 2012.

  1. lol. whats he thinking? he picks the guy who has promised and designed and voted for a plan to end social security and medicare. that should lose romney florida and the old people vote in the whole country.
    i have changed my mind. there must be a god. only god could have given the democrats such a gift. i can see the campaign ads now.
  2. wildchild


  3. Ryan won't help Romney win the presidential election, but he will turn out the conservative base which will help Republicans maintain control of the House of Representatives and give Republicans a 50/50 chance of taking the Senate.
  4. + 1,000

    Ryan also wants to end eliminate capital gains taxes .With Romney already having political tax issues picking a guy who wants Romney to pay no taxes might be a problem :D :D :D
  5. what? he already had the conservative base. he needs help with the middle. he should have picked somebody who could deliver a swing state. this just gave away florida.
  6. You do realize that in the one race where the Dems made Ryan's plan front & center they defeated the Republicans in a district they hadn't won in a century or something like that?
    Romney will be lucky to get 40%. Batshit crazy is an understatement for this one.
  7. To the contrary, polls show that the enthisiasm level among the most conservative voters was low. Many don't like that Romney is a Mormon. Many were likely to stay home and not vote. Ryan will be able to get these folks to the polls. But it won't be enough to win.

    Romney is too boring to win. It doesn't matter who he chooses for VP. The US presidential election is no different than any high school president election. It's a popularity contest. Boring does not win.

    Over 80% of the country votes along party lines. The other 20% decide the election. It takes someone like Reagan with charisma and personal appeal to win the middle from an incumbent president.

    That said, Ryan will improve enthusiasm and turnout among the most conservative voters which will be helpful in the Congressional elections, but won't change the Presidential outcome.

    Here's my prediction: Obama gets re-elected. Republicans maintain a significant majority in the House. Republicans get to at least 50-50 in the Senate.
  8. I'm not sure how this helps him. I don't think it hurts him, but help him? I'll hold my judgement until I see their plan, assuming they unveil a actual plan at all. Unless the cuts start at the top and work their way down, I don't see the masses lining up behind Romney. Those in the middle and bottom have been shreaded to pieces. Enough is enough. Any idiot can say charge the hill. We need a leader that's willing to lead the troops up the hill and risk taking a hit himself.
    Much as I think Obama has been an abject failure, if the repub message is business as usual trickle down, cut up the little guy economics while the big boys skate, I just don't see people making a change for the sake of changing.
  9. Intrade: Romney down .04, Obama up .07. So far. I might join just to put in a limit order on shorting me some Romney.
    As for Congress going to the Reps, oh man. Half the country still hasn't heard about Ryan or his plan (I just had to explain this one to my wife, for instance). Wait until they find out what it is, and then find out the Republicans are on record as voting for it a couple of years ago.
    Republicans are about to learn a very bitter lesson: old people vote. A lot. And most of those "Tea Party" oldsters are on SS and Medicare.

  10. Poll: 70% Of Tea Partiers Oppose Cuts To Medicare, Medicaid

    Tea Partiers may say the government is too damn big, but when it comes to at least two federal entitlement programs, they sing a wholly different tune.

    In a McClatchy-Marist poll released this week, 70% of registered voters who identify with the Tea Party opposed making cuts to either Medicare or Medicaid — the government-run health programs for the elderly and the poor — to help reduce the nation’s deficit. Meanwhile, only 28% of tea partiers said they’d be willing to cut spending on those two programs.

    Tea partiers were not alone in opposing Medicare and Medicaid cuts. An overwhelming 80% of all respondents said they opposed such cuts, with a majority of every demographic measured in the survey lining up against them.

    Ninety-two percent of Democrats opposed cutting Medicare and Medicaid, as did 73% of Republicans, and 75% of independents.
    #10     Aug 11, 2012