Romney over Obama?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Maverick74, Dec 13, 2010.

  1. That kook Orly Taitz and an O-5 Army Doc are two wildly different things IMO. I'm baffled how a 0-5 could let himself get suckered and throw away his career for something like this. Stunning.

    #51     Dec 15, 2010
    #52     Dec 15, 2010
  3. Lucrum


    Hmmm, sounds like Dumbo should be doing time in a federal prison.
    #53     Dec 15, 2010

  4. The highest court in the US says Hawaii's official birth certificate is all that you need to see

    "She added that the U.S. Supreme Court has recognized the state's current certification of live birth "as an official birth certificate meeting all federal and other requirements."


    According to Hawaii's Department of Health spokeswoman Janice Okubo, the state began issuing only "certifications of live birth" in 2001 when the health department went paperless. It is only available in electronic form, she said.

    Asked for more information about the short-form versus long-form birth documents, Okubo said the Health Department "does not have a short-form or long-form certificate."

    Okubo also emphasized the certification form "contains all the information needed by all federal government agencies for transactions requiring a birth certificate."

    She added that the U.S. Supreme Court has recognized the state's current certification of live birth "as an official birth certificate meeting all federal and other requirements."

    #54     Dec 15, 2010
  5. The only person who will be doing time over the issue is the Army birther
    #55     Dec 15, 2010
  6. Lucrum


    Yet another injustice.
    #56     Dec 15, 2010
  7. I don't think it is.Congress certified and recognizes Barack Obama as President of the United States so no soldier has the right to question if he is or isnt.
    #57     Dec 15, 2010
  8. Lucrum


    There was a time when that might have meant something. Given that congress is the source of most of our problems, it doesn't mean much to me anymore.
    #58     Dec 15, 2010
  9. Hello


    Im not sure what 0-5 means as it pertains to an army doc.(moved here 4 years ago) I will say this though, he most likely has the same delusions of grandeur that she(ORLY TAITZ) did. This is not designed to take anything away, only meant to prove my point that these conspiracy nuts suffer from a deep seeded psycosis, and they have some illusions of grandiosity, and though some of them are smart they are more then willing to throw their career down the toilet for a weak conspiracy theory.

    They are willing to flush a career based on an unproven theory.
    That, in and of itself, is enough for me to realise they are not dealing from a full deck.
    #59     Dec 15, 2010
  10. jem


    You clearly do not understand what you read... or you are just being a hack.

    who cares if it is an "official" birth certificate.

    the issue is place of birth

    When this issue gets tried the original records will be subpoenaed and if they have them they will be admitted. At that point the current birth certificate will not matter... even if it says Obama was born on Duke Kahanamoku's surf board while his kenyan dad was secretly working for Steve McGarrett and Dano.

    Of course by then the original docs will be missing.

    So a recently printed out Birth Certificate might be all the evidence we get.
    #60     Dec 15, 2010