Romney Finally Tell It Like It Is

Discussion in 'Politics' started by pspr, Sep 17, 2012.

  1. Lucrum


    STILL nothing of consequence going on in Canada eh.
    #21     Sep 18, 2012
  2. You will have to get used to the idea that the mainstream media is on all out Obama reelection mode now. Anything that they or the WH see as a threat will be attacked mercilessly. Eeither that or ignored, as they are doing with the middle east.

    The problem for republicans is that most voters don't pay enough attention to understand when they're being lied to. They scan the headlines and get a sense of what's going on. The sense they have today is that Obama is struggling but has their interests at heart, that Romney is a duffus and that all the stuff in the mideast going wrong is because of an obscure video that has been on youtube for months without incident.

    Romney's problem is that he was passive all summer and allowed the democrat hate machine to define him as Mr. Richie Rich who callously stripped companies and allowed a guy's wife to die for lack of health insurance. Oh yeah, he also belongs to a weird religion. And has a swiss bank account, so he must be doing something shady.

    Now anything Romney says, for example like this video, gets filtered through that template. What might have been an accurate observation becomes yet another example of just how incredibly callous and uncaring he is, at least to the media.
    #22     Sep 18, 2012
  3. Mitt Romney described almost half of Americans as “dependent upon government”

    “entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it.”

    I want to put this out there also. You know who else is an entitled group of citizens.

    People who work for the fed or state and local gov'ts. Employee's of the gov't develope an entitlement attitude that seems to come with the job or working in the culture of "what have you done for me lately".

    Commercial landlords know it is hard to lease office space to public employees mixed with private and corporate workers. No one trusts the other.
    #23     Sep 18, 2012
  4. When you're going broke (or already there) from giving away too many freebies to those who think they are entitled... when you see that writing on the wall and try to cut back in an effort to remain solvent... that makes you "callous and uncaring".

    Too bad Grandpa Bob isn't running the show... tit-suckers would get survival support and nothing more... above that, they'd have to earn it for themselves.
    #24     Sep 18, 2012
  5. this is good shit right here. there is a certain sense of scumbag entitlement present in most govt workers.. especially among the bottom ranks. Anyone who has EVER been to a fucking dmv or called the irs knows what i'm talking about. You know what group doesn't have this attitude - soldiers at least any i know or have met.
    #25     Sep 18, 2012
  6. Could you give the video? I did not hear this one.
    #26     Sep 18, 2012
  7. LEAPup


    When I was in the Marine Corps, we NEVER had the entitlement shit attitudes! We did, however, feel we deserved lots of ammo though.:D

    And yes, state and fed govt workers will be voting with their wallets (job "security"), in mind when they punch a hole beside odumbass's name. So sad...:(
    #27     Sep 18, 2012
  8. pspr


    State & Fed workers gotta vote for the guy giving them pay raises, benny increases and union support. They already make more than their harder working counter parts in the private sector.
    #28     Sep 18, 2012
  9. LEAPup


    My best Friend's Dad is a retired FBI supervisory special agent. Kinda wish I would have gone to work for them back when. I could work about an hour of real work a day, then just hang out.

    I'll have to admit, a gubment job sure is appealing these days.:(
    #29     Sep 18, 2012