Romney caught on tape

Discussion in 'Politics' started by bigarrow, Sep 17, 2012.

  1. Nah, I just get aggravated when we're calling each other the enemy while those bastards in congress are the real enemy. They've been doing it forever, but it seems to have reached a fever pitch the last few years. Really ever since the 2000 election and just keeps amping up.
    #51     Sep 18, 2012
  2. Best Romney speech ever, he and his wife are on "live kelly & michael" on tv now.
    He's coming across as very likeable and moderate and reasonable.
    #52     Sep 18, 2012
  3. Lucrum


    Sorry, no sale.
    #53     Sep 18, 2012
  4. jem


    actually, if you look at the maps by county you frequently find those states are filled with productive tax paying Republicans who get overwhelmed by the urban centers.

    For instance California income tax is paid only about a third of the state... so you have close to 2/3 economic free loaders... guess who the dems are?

    also guess who we got this way... guess who voted for the state destroying destruction... guess which politicians engineered it.

    look at the history of big cities. The cities do well the liberals move in... give shit away they can't afford, bring in more freeloaders, rot the city from the inside... rot the state from the inside.

    That is the story of liberals. You can see it, in just about every big city.
    Liberals destroy the financial integrity of the govt for votes and their policy brings in freeloaders and govt trough feeders.
    #54     Sep 18, 2012
  5. Maybe in CA., but here in TX I know some of the unemployment scammers who will only work for cash and who listen to Rush and Beck and they think I'm the communist, even though I pay my taxes and run a business . I also know quit a few small businessmen tax cheats who are far righties. But this is Texas.
    #55     Sep 18, 2012
  6. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    You are correct. Lots of those in Florida as well. Ignorant redneck fucking hypocrites cheating the tax code or on welfare, but never missing an opportunity to point out others who break the law or sit collecting a check - and they should be ashamed of themselves. Whenever I hear that crap about patriotism and how they're "losing the country", I ask them what they are doing to fight it, and then just say "just bitching about it, right?"
    #56     Sep 18, 2012
  7. To be fair it seems 90+% of the people I know are republicans. If I knew mostly democrats I'd probably have the same stories about them too. Except for teachers and professors, those people don't cheat and are a pleasure to do business with.
    #57     Sep 18, 2012
  8. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    Oh, it's certainly both. But the difference is the Republican crooks I know are claiming righteous behavior when they are doing what the democrat ones are, while the democrats (the crooks) are just parasites on the back of the social system.
    #58     Sep 18, 2012
  9. You make it sound like they are a pestilence, or an infestation. Where did the Liberals come from when they moved into the cities? Liberal suburbia and Liberal urban areas? No!

    In the early 20th century La Follete and the liberal progressive movement emerged in the cities and their environs, where major industry and light manufacturing was centered and harsh working conditions existed. The Postwar liberal movement descended from the Progressives.

    Modern urban decay began with exodus of the rural southerners black to the Northern cities, and white to the southern cities. They brought with them the
    white cracker mentality of dereliction, violence, law breaking, morality trespassing, all hallmarks of southern rural peoples from time of settlement and into the 20th century. The southern black absorbed in toto the White Cracker mentality and culture and their descendants jealously guard it today. Both races created terrible problems in the cities, but not much different from earlier generations of immigrants such as in New York and Boston. The difference has been the continued inability of some of these groups to make their way out of their miserable states, generation after generation. Liberal welfare policies have clearly played a significant role in the perpetuation of ghetto cultures and ghetto economics, but so has an intransigence and insistence among ghetto cultures to remain "authentic", which means, remaining cracker, and not acting "white".
    #59     Sep 18, 2012
  10. It's hard to comprehend how Romney was ever governor of the left wing state of Massachusetts. Either he faked everything he did while governor there, or he believes none of what he says now. No one could have such a 180 degree conversion in their beliefs.
    #60     Sep 18, 2012