romney. cant he get anything right?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Free Thinker, Jul 31, 2012.

  1. The only vote-changing issue this year is the economy/jobs.
    #11     Jul 31, 2012
  2. Lucrum


    IF true that would theoretically be a problem for Barry.
    #12     Jul 31, 2012
  3. Romney is still an unkown to most people. People prefer the devil they know to the devil they don't know. That's why incumbents have an overwhelming advantage in most elections.

    The question is whether or not Romney can convince enough independents that he can do a better job on the economy than Obama. We'll get a clearer picture of that after the conventions when the polling firms start analyzing "likely" voters.
    #13     Jul 31, 2012
  4. Disagree.Its not the only issue and even part of the issue is will Romney do a better job at it then Obama.Obama took Romenys economy strength from him(Bain) ..Bain was supposed to be a positive for Romney,it was his economic strong point.Bain was Romneys biggest strength going into the election.Now rather then Bain being a strong point its a negative.Romney is on the defensive about it ,he doesn't want to talk about it.Romney wants his resume to show he left Bain as long ago as possible.After previously talking about creating 100,000 jobs,now he says thousands..Romney started the election with the plan of using bain as his ride into the white house,thats gone now.Romney no longer automatically wins the economic debate
    #14     Jul 31, 2012
  5. Lucrum


    Not me, especially when the devil I know is an unqualified lying product of affirmative action. Hell, I'd vote for a chimp with a neck tie over that disaster Obama. We had a local election today in GA, I didn't vote for a single incumbent. I'm tired of the current situation and don't mind giving someone else a chance.
    #15     Jul 31, 2012
  6. Ricter


    We'll get a clearer picture when Romney starts being specific about his plan for the economy. Is he planning on cutting FTEs to make the country more profitable? LOL.
    #16     Jul 31, 2012
  7. Thank you for proving my point. If people don't believe Romney can produce jobs, he won't get the votes of independents who will decide the election.
    #17     Jul 31, 2012
  8. That's only true for the voters who don't know jack $hit about the economy.
    #18     Jul 31, 2012
  9. Most people know Romney imo.With a 100 days left if they dont know him they wont know him imo

    2.registered voter polls does just fine imo

    In 2008 NBC /WSJ had Obama over McCain in everyone of their polls from march to election day.8 out of the 9 polls were registered voters.This same poll has had Obama over Romney in every one of their polls this year









    #19     Jul 31, 2012
  10. Lucrum


    What debate, Obama knows NOTHING of economics has done NOTHING of consequence to help the economy and has NO viable economic plan for the future.
    #20     Jul 31, 2012