Roaring Kitty puts this picture on X and suddenly GME is up USD 1 billion

Discussion in 'Trading' started by Maverick2608, May 13, 2024.

  1. [​IMG]

  2. maxinger


    I guess you posted an old news that was 2 weeks old.
    GME was up massively 2 weeks ago.
    On 3 May 2024, there was a significant increase in volume.

    Where were you a few days ago?
    Why old new?!?!

    After buyers (Roaring Kitty, OP ....) buy something,
    they must attract more buyers' attention using social media (X, Y, Z ....)
    so that the price can go even higher.

    The GME weekly chart doesn't look bullish.

    Insane --- >
    What trick
    Last edited: May 13, 2024
  3. newwurldmn



    Roaring kitty posted this last night and gme is up 20percent right now.
  4. maxinger


    A good time to enter was end of 3 May 2024 as there were very strong interest/volume in GME.

    By the time you hear the Kitty roars, it is rather late.
  5. newwurldmn


    the news is that he is posting again.

    not that gme rallied.
  6. Max...Did they switch your medication? Possibly a change to a generic from india?
  7. newwurldmn


    perhaps they changed your senility pills too?
  8. tomkat22


    If those jackasses at wallstreetbets are planning on launching one of their short squeeze "attacks" I wish they'd let me know in advance. I made a bunch of money shorting $CAR in 2021 when they did that.
  9. Oh Max...Max , Max. You got caught up in a emotional rant and now you've gone and blocked everyone. Max, You broke your own Rule. Never let emotions come into play while trading. Never.
  10. maxinger



    I am trying to have at least 2 pages of BLOCK.
    I am still on page 1.

    I block negative, hostile, toxic-spewing people.
    I wouldn't engage in any discussion with them.
    #10     May 13, 2024