Risk it for the biscuit

Discussion in 'Journals' started by joarbana, Nov 29, 2016.

  1. joarbana


    I'm no pro trader by any means, Ive had my fair share of wins and losses and Ive only been speculating for 2 years now, but Ive managed to always be in a good position especially trading with not much, but today seeing oil futures in the decline and an OPEC meeting coming through tomorrow. Something in my gut was telling me to buy oil, not just telling but screaming. So I sold my DHT shares for a loss and bought into UWTI. I hope to the heavens this works out. More updates to come.
  2. java


    What's the plan?
  3. Bob111


    i see no plan. gamble. tomorrow is also EIA Petroleum Status Report, which can move oil in any direction as well. OP! have you heard about it? :)
    UWTI is a pussy play. buy few CL contracts and score(or loose) big! buy options on CL(are they exist?) to go even bigger!Do the O'Hare spread! go for it,man! :)
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2016
  4. joarbana


    I have, that's why I bought, I see a shift coming, in which direction I don't know. I think EIA wont have much to tell than the usual. I think that OPEC is the deal maker. If it weren't for that damn Iran deal I feel like we wouldn't be sitting where we are but oh well. Its oil though so who knows. I just hope I'm right. I feel like the majority of the investing world is looking at this negatively because that's been the story all year, people getting there hopes up and getting let down because OPEC cant agree on anything. Maybe Russia will come in clutch with Saudi Arabia and maybe, just maybe Iran will agree to go along with it..
  5. Bob111


    ----I see a shift coming, in which direction I don't know.---
    ----Iran deal I feel like we wouldn't be sitting-----
    ----I just hope I'm right.-------
    ----I feel like the majority of the investing world is looking-------

    sounds like a plan to me! :)

  6. As u can see, the trolls are out. The site is full of them or more likely 1 guy with 20 aliases. They came here seeking knowledge, then turn bitter when they fail over and over.

  7. You must be psychic -- how else would u know the above ? Take ur bitterness and sarcasm someplace else--
  8. Bob111


    nah..I'm just bored and running few long and slow tests on my PC. OP! Good luck on tomorrow's bet!
    Southampton likes this.
  9. Guess i jumped too fast--i apologize-- we need to support the young guys here, no one else will!
  10. Bob111


    that's what i'm trying to do by pointing on "highlights of his trading plan". and that's why i wished him good luck! because to me looks like "the luck" is also big part of the plan :)
    #10     Nov 29, 2016