Rising Anxiety That Stocks Are Overpriced

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by Covertibility, Aug 27, 2015.

  1. Robert Shiller out with another article:

    Rising Anxiety That Stocks Are Overpriced

    Small excerpt:
    "It is entirely plausible that the shaking of investor complacency in recent days will, despite intermittent rebounds, take the market down significantly and within a year or two restore CAPE ratios to historical averages. This would put the S. & P. closer to 1,300 from around 1,900 on Wednesday, and the Dow at 11,000 from around 16,000. They could also fall further; the historical average is not a floor. "


    You can bet the lunatics will call for Yellen's head if the market were to fall to its historical average in such a short period of time.