RIP Refco

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by forestfire, Oct 15, 2005.

  1. hi fred ...

    I used to work at RCG ... sorry I cannot help you get a good deal there ... as I left them 13 yrs ago

    personally ... I hope the "innocent people" at refco

    can still find work somewhere if they get laid off or did not have so much at stake in the IPO ...

    HEY FOREST FIRE ... Do you ever read threads ?

    I posted that link in this thread in the last 24 hours ...

    #21     Oct 16, 2005
  2. FredBloggs

    FredBloggs Guest

    FUCK ME!!!!! forestfires alter ego comes out of the trash can!!!!

    clearly as your criticism of refco and your last sentence confirms, you have been around for all of 3 years tops. at the very least you seem to forget the massive - oh fuck it, im not going to educate you - that would only be beneficial to you and its far better let let ignorant negative people like you stay in the can.

    my money is on you being some failed rts/mac intake who was fired after a week and now has some axe to grind.

    neither will i be drawn into some silly baiting contest. as i stated a few posts back, theres enough of this on et already which is why i cant be bothered here much anymore.

    no wonder 90% of traders lose - theyre all on et building up some massive negativity trip about stuff they know NOTHING about. pathetic.

    (ps - cheers seth arb :) )
    #22     Oct 16, 2005
  3. Jesus Fred you're so paranoid, you're making me laugh. So if more than one person says something negative about refco then there must be some conspiracy involving alteregos?

    & when you're not trading, what sort of conspiracy theories are you into?

    To be honest I wish I had been around 3 years tops -I would probably have more hair and a thin waist line -but thanks it was a nice thought.
    #23     Oct 16, 2005
  4. let the record show that REFCO held up jess fine under REF and his successor. When it went to Wall Street it hit the wall. Do you really think the undertakers were oblivious to the debt-shell game? I'll bet they helped set it up. Fuhgawdssakes, what about "due dilligence?" They couldn't not know.

    Sure, REFCO had a "chequered" past -- anyone who's aggressive will. When you're well connected and make all the rules, like Goldman (think "corzine"), you can whitewash your past. For a time.

    who stands to come out on top again? Goldman. Think about it. They're the scariest mutherphuckers on the street.

    and, again, where's senator hillary in all this. doesn't she owe refco a huge favor?

    gots to wear cleats for all the freaking slime around here.
    #24     Oct 16, 2005
  5. lol.. the funny part is, I didn't say anything negative about Refco at all - I just pointed out that Fred dissed you and cited English language usage to do so, then promptly butchered the language himself. In fairness, people who are semi-literate don't (can't) understand that their butchery of the language is the main thing that undermines their credibility. People would probably take him seriously if he just calmly posted his thoughts in clear, simple language instead of the toilet-mouth and the pathetic attempts at erudition.

    I used to just shake my head at clowns like this but now, when I see a real howler, I post and point it out.

    Notice that Fred had nothing to say about the actual content of my post? That's always the way these things go.
    #25     Oct 16, 2005
  6. ex_cis


    Well, I do not pity Refco for its demise but I do share my feeling for the staff that transit from Cargill Investor Services to Refco. Hopefully all are well with them except that few bastards that sold us out. Cheers
    #26     Oct 18, 2005
  7. what a difference a week makes.

    the company that was valued at, what, 5 billion dollars last week is valued at 40 million this week.

    but it's the very same company. the only difference in the market's view of it.

    at Worldco they had a saying I've always agreed with (even before I saw it there): "Short Fraud."
    #27     Oct 18, 2005
  8. Yep.
    But a newbie like Mr. Forestfire would not know that.
    #28     Oct 19, 2005
  9. A "newbie" apex?
    Ouch that really hurts...
    Sorry for not being middle aged
    Sorry for having a full head of hair
    Sorry for having full control over my bowel movements
    I really don't know where to stop, I do apologize...
    #29     Oct 19, 2005
  10. Did they short themselves?
    #30     Oct 19, 2005