Ring finger length linked to traders' success

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by yabz, Jan 14, 2009.

  1. yabz


  2. ER9


    havn't read the article yet but heard of this before...supposedly its associated with being exposed to increased testosterone levels while in the womb if i remember correctly. there was also evidence that those with longer ring finger were better/more capable athletes competatively and were more likely to win a competition.
  3. Finding your finger ratio

    Place your right hand palm up Measure the length of your index finger, from where it joins your palm to the tip

    Measure your ring finger in the same way

    Divide the length of the index finger by that of the ring finger to calculate your ‘finger ratio’

    The average ratio for women is 1 The average ratio for men is 0.98

    Those with a longer ring finger have a ratio of less than 1. This is called the “Casanova pattern”. Those with higher, or more feminised ratios, will have ratios greater than 1. The average ratio for men is 0.98.
  4. My ratio is 0.90.

    Which is quite high.

    Some of my friends are not risk takers at all, will have a look a their fingers the next time i see them.
  5. bellman


    0.90 is lower than 0.98, so wouldn't you mean to say that 0.90 is quite low?

    Fwiw, my ratio seems to be similar to yours, although I'm not going to take the time to actually measure now.

  6. mines like 0.91-0.92 ish
  7. I am not going to calculate the ratio, but my ring finger looks to be about 1/4 of an inch longer than my index.
  8. .885 here.

    my investments stink lately though...
  9. short ring finger correlates with being gay (for males). are gay men underrepresented among traders?

    J Pers Soc Psychol. 2003 Jul;85(1):179-88.Links
    Are 2D:4D finger-length ratios related to sexual orientation? Yes for men, no for women.
    Lippa RA.

    Department of Psychology, California State University, Fullerton 92834, USA. rlippa@fullerton.edu

    The ratio of index and ring finger lengths (2D:4D) is thought to be a marker of prenatal androgen exposure. In a sample of over 2,000 participants, men had significantly lower 2D:4D ratios than women (d = .36 and .23 for right and left hands, respectively), and these results were consistent across ethnic groups. Heterosexual men had significantly lower (more male typical) 2D:4D ratios than gay men (d = .32 and .31 for right and left hands, respectively), and these results tended to be consistent across ethnic groups. Heterosexual and lesbian women showed no significant differences in 2D:4D ratios, after ethnicity was taken into account. The current findings add to evidence that prenatal hormonal factors may be linked to men's sexual orientation.

    PMID: 12872893 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE
  10. #10     Jan 17, 2009