RightEdge vs. QuantDeveloper

Discussion in 'Trading Software' started by polr_trader, Oct 8, 2006.

  1. Has anyone with serious knowledge of C# compared RightEdge Systems (www.rightedgesystems.com) to QuantDeveloper (www.smartquant.com)?

    Both appear to be extremely robust and flexible platforms for developing, backtesting, and automating a trading system. I'm currently learning C# so that I can test and develop systems using a "real language." My knowledge thus far, however, is inadequate to really compare these two platforms.

    QuantDeveloper is much more expensive than RightEdge (which is currently a beta 2 release) will be. SmartQuant also sells its own database to be used with QuantDeveloper. How would this database be any better than, say, SQL Server? RightEdge's platform is much more user-friendly (or so it seems), as systems can be created using drag-and-drop.

    Is one clearly better than the other? Any info or opinions would be greatly appreciated!

  2. What have you been quoted for a cost for RightEdge? I've been playing around with a demo of QuantDeveloper and it's pretty damn good but just too expensive for me.

    How have you found RightEdge in terms of flexibility? I'm happy to exchange notes.


  3. I'm just getting started with both right now, so any opinion I offer would be preliminary, to say the least. From what I hear, the final version of RightEdge will run around $600--a little over 10% the cost of QuantDeveloper. I'll pay for QD, though, if it can handle my needs and RE cannot.

    My experience with each firm has been in stark contrast to the other: the guys at SmartQuant seem to me to be arrogant and dismissive. They assume that every user is a C# wizard and treat with disdain those who are not. The guys at RE are as polite and helpful as can be. In the end, I generally don't care how rude a firm is if their software works. In this case, however, I realize that I'll likely be going back to the firm (i.e., the makers of RE or QD) to have them customize certain parts of the software. As such, the guys who make QD haven't impressed me much.

    While I'm certainly willing to pay to have a C# wizard put my final ideas into code, I would like to test various ideas myself. RE allows me to do that, as it has a lot of drag-and-drop functionality.

    I'll keep you posted as I compare the two.

  4. Not sure I agree on the QD guys - I've had good interactions and I'm definitely not an extremely experienced developer in this area.

    But I agree the RE guys are great. From what I've seen so far, the software is very good in terms of basic signals, but seems to be lacking a bit on the portfolio management side.

    In QD, you've got the concept of a money manager and that doesn't really exist in RE at the moment. Other areas that I think it is currently lacking:

    - Reporting: Lacks a equity curve (as far as I've seen - let me know if I'm wrong) and underwater curve.
    - Optimization: haven't dug into this enough, but there doesn't seem to be a lot of optimization available.
    - Portfolio Management: still playing around with this, but there doesn't seem to be much here.

    QD is definitely a more mature product, but it is also just crazy expensive.

    Other packages I'm looking at:

    - Tradersstudio
    - Tradesignals - this is a new one I have to explore - looks very interesting.
  5. segv


    QuantDeveloper is, in my opinion, a superior product. Its major weak point is the lack of API and framework documentation. This deficit creates a steep learning curve, but the object model and API are intuitive enough to permit trial-by-fire learning for the experienced developer. Not recommended for the novice developer. The integration with Visual Studio, along with the .NET support in general, has incented me to obsolete our current Java-based front-end.

    I disagree. I have exchanged e-mails with both the founder and a senior software engineer on several occasions. Their responses were slow to come, but were helpful and respectful.

  6. I fooled with Neoticker for a bit. It wasn't for me but it does have a lot of features, an extensive manual, good support, and the ability to integrate code from a variety of languages/development platforms -- .Net, Delphi, etc...

    It's worth checking out.
  7. I tend to agree at the moment. RightEdge doesn't have many of the things that QD has at the moment. However, I would keep a close eye on RE as they seem to be adding things very quickly.

    It's worth noting that the products are really geared towards two different goals - I think QD is really developed to create trading systems that run via their ATS components, where as RE is really more of a stand-alone product.
  8. QuantDeveloper used to cost $600 a couple of years ago. So, by the time RightEdge has all of the features of QD, it will likely cost the same :D
  9. Just had a look at RightEdge, looks very promising, but pricey for what it currently offers: Broker execution only through Interactive Brokers. No FIX support. Prefers opentick for realtime data - still a lot of issues with this data provider AFAIK.

    Definitely one to watch.
  10. BTW, I've since learned that RE has a equity graph - it just was off by default.
    #10     Oct 10, 2006