Rick Santelli invited to the Whitehouse by President Obama!

Discussion in 'Economics' started by bond_trad3r, Feb 20, 2009.

  1. ess1096


    #11     Feb 21, 2009
  2. Div_Arb


    Hey I don't know if anyone watched Kudlow tonight, but Rick really went on a triade about this whole thing. He earned about 50,000 cool points in street cred from his appearance on kudlow tonight. Talk about taking on the man... CNBC is NOTHING without Rick Santelli.


    PS - Watch the whole video - classic
    #12     Feb 21, 2009
  3. telozo


    I always liked Rick - now I'm proud of him!
    #13     Feb 21, 2009
  4. dinoman



    Lets televise the meeting/debate and let the "We The People" decide! I wouldn't hold my breath though. All we'll hear after words it blah blah blah, we must do this or we will all suffer and die.

    Change? Sounds like the same shit loser Bush sold us!

    Mr. Bush.... KISS MY ASS!
    Mr. Obama... KISS MY ASS!
    Washington.... KISS MY ASS!

    To the 99% of incoherent and unintelligent Congressmen and Senators...

    KISS MY ASS!!!

    Plain and simple, the American people are getting it straight up the you know what.

    Lets pillage the hard working successful people for every last dime to support the incompetent.

    Now.... don't mistaken me for saying screw the less fortunate or the incompetent. (No thanks to our despicable GOV education system!)
    The GOV doesn't want educated people because it makes them irrelevant. (Oh damn, we can't be gods of mass deception anymore and have the masses follow us like puppets.) This is your country people not the GOV, until you learn that you will fall further into the tyranny abyss!

    If you give the less fortunate everything on a silver plater you strip their will to better themselves and become a productive citizen.

    So, lets say for a hypothetical that I am a productive member of society. If you are to strip/burden my productive gains to the hilt.... Whats the incentive to stop me from jumping on the government will take care of me bandwagon?

    Not much?

    Well what happens when the prosperous people jump onto the give me almost everything bandwagon?

    Hmmmmm..... You have no one left to foot the bill!?!?

    Welcome to Armageddon by ignorance!
    #14     Feb 21, 2009