Rick Santelli and the "Enronization" of America

Discussion in 'Economics' started by walter4, Feb 22, 2009.

  1. AMERICANS ARE MORONS...nr 1 rick santenlli

    BIN LADEN killed 3000 people
    BUSH killed more than 3000 americans and sent the country to a "BLACK HOLE"
    U.S is full of scamers that bring financial terror to their own people ...............
    are you guys fucking kidding me ..
    #31     Feb 23, 2009
  2. Stimulus



    P.S. Go fuck yourself limp-wristed socialist commie liberal asshole.
    #32     Feb 23, 2009
  3. Let's pretend that Rick Santelli knows what he's talking about. Since he's on TV, he earned his way to the top right? He's not stupid, he knows more than he lays on.

    Now pretend you're Rick Santelli, trying to help or voice the dissatisfaction of millions of americans.

    Now take a look at the result, mass confusion for what his message even meant and complete dumbfuckery on behalf of most people. Makes you want to give up huh?

    I was thinking about Enron too just before he mentioned it. Enron you had regulators conspire against shareholders as well as lawyers, media, auditors, companies all turning a blind eye or being co-conspirators. That was what Enron exposed. Not a bunch of greedy men.
    THAT is what has just happened again. Mass collusion between financial industry, media, regulators, lawyers to defraud americans out of billions.
    #33     Feb 23, 2009
  4. belmondo


    i don't understand you guys. Rick is RIGHT. it is irrelevant what is his salary. he is just saying that giving money to people who can afford their mortgage is not right.

    this stupid idea just come out in our country as well. hope it won't pass. do not become socialistic country as we were.
    #34     Feb 23, 2009
  5. skylr33


    Rick is the man!!!!! If it weren't for Bill Clinton's "affirmative action" policy towards handing out mortgages to anyone that could sign their name, we wouldn't have all these foreclosures, or banks going down the toilet. This is exactly what started this financial crisis.
    So you can thank o'l slick Willie, for pressuring the banks to give that guy with the 500 fico score, and $8.00 an hour job, that 400k mortgage. Remember when o'l "Clit"on said "home ownership is a right, and not a privilege"?
    The Democrats have ruined America. I'm going to enjoy Osama Obama go down the shitter when this stimulus fails. Can you say, one term president? lol
    #35     Feb 23, 2009
  6. ergo


    FWIW (from Wikipedia on Glass Steagall Act):

    The bill that ultimately repealed the Act was introduced in the Senate by Phil Gramm (Republican of Texas) and in the House of Representatives by Jim Leach (R-Iowa) in 1999. The bills were passed by Republican majorities on party lines by a 54-44 vote in the Senate[11] and by a 343-86 vote in the House of Representatives[12]. After passing both the Senate and House the bill was moved to a conference committee to work out the differences between the Senate and House versions. The final bipartisan bill resolving the differences was passed in the Senate 90-8 (1 not voting) and in the House: 362-57 (15 not voting). Having majorities large enough to override any possible Presidential veto, the legislation was signed into law by President Bill Clinton on November 12, 1999. [13]

    (At the time, the Republicans owned both the House & Senate)
    #36     Feb 23, 2009
  7. ergo


    I am sure I have no explanation that will satisfy those hardcore in their beliefs but here's just my .02.

    This issue we have at stake is one of a potential crisis of confidence that threatens much more then what is on the table today. Just reminisce to the Asian and Latin America crises of the last 20yrs (forgetting the Great Depression for a moment) to see how things can play out when capital flight starts occurring. While I understand the moral education of allowing failure, there does come a point where failure that causes systemic problems will (and can) pose a threat to our economy as a whole. It is this type of failure that we must be vigilant against.

    Just as a simple example and for those decrying socialism, if people start losing faith in our banking system and run on banks start occurring, how fair is it for those people to lose their deposits when they've been taught that banks are 'safe'? Should gov't intervene here and if so, isn't this a form of socialism? The actual problem is if they don't try and stem the issue head on, more people will become fearful, and then run on banks will be common place and fear is never easy to contain once it has infected the masses.

    The other issue will be that as more and more people become destitute, violence & crime will increase both in magnitude and severity. People become quite creative when their livelihood is on the line. Note that kidnappings became quite popular in Argentina several years ago when that country plunged into an economic upheaval with unemployment rivaling that of the GD (22%):


    As a final note, it needn't be all capitalistic or all socialistic (or all anything for that matter) policies that win out. None of them are perfect and certainly none of them have a monopoly on good ideas (to steal a phrase from our current President)
    #37     Feb 23, 2009
  8. Not a word about the 'elephant in the room', concurrent trend in
    housing in CA. from the OP. How fast has the state filled up with
    mexicans over the last fifteen years? The distinctions between
    renting and buying and affordable or not have been blurred.
    Mexis move 10 of their 'cousins' into a 'single-family' home by
    dividing rooms with cardboard boxes. Then send their paychecks
    home to old me-he-co. They don't care about any of these distinctions.
    Yes, "californornia provides us with people whose main goal is to effectively destroy the nation" but they're not just the commie whites there by any means.
    When Rick Santelli talks about the "middle class" he is more accurately describing *white* america.
    "The other issue will be that as more and more people become destitute, violence & crime will increase both in magnitude and severity." Yes! - And don't think Obongo's 'bruthas' will have any
    trouble defining the "middle class" when that happens.
    These 'dems' vs. 'repubs' crack me up. From a more objective standpoint, there's not a nickel's difference between them.
    What they don't realize is America is *already* a rotting corpse.
    #38     Feb 23, 2009
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    #39     Feb 23, 2009
  10. [​IMG]
    #40     Feb 23, 2009