Rick Perry: the empty republican mindset.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Free Thinker, Aug 17, 2011.

  1. dont forget. this is the same guy who asked the people of his state to pray so that his invisible friend in the sky would change the climate.
    why does religious,stupid, anti science,and republican always seem to be in the same package?

    Rick Perry: Climate Change Is A Hoax Drummed Up By Scientists Looking To Make Money

    conservative Republican, and as such he does not believe that climate change is caused by human activity. But Perry went one step further than most in the mainstream climate change denier community on the presidential campaign trail in New Hampshire Wednesday, stating flatly that scientists drum up phony climate change data to make a buck.

  2. Ricter


    Hi Rick,
    Just an fyi here, but "Climate Change Is A Hoax Drummed Up By Scientists Looking To Make Money" is itself a hoax drummed up by industry to keep money.

    Buh bye
  3. Argent


    You fucking idiot! He's not a Republican. He's a Texican. Rebubblycan is only what you have to be to get the Norte Tejas vote. If we were Shining Path Maoists that's what he would be. Watch him morph into what he has to be to whip that jive ass.
  4. Y'all hit the nail on the head. Perry becomes whatever is needed to get elected.


    Forget about death and taxes. Today, there are only two sure things in life: Every few years Rick Perry will run for office, and every few years Rick Perry will grind his opponents into dust. Since 1984, the man once derided as “Governor Good Hair” has participated in ten contested elections and won all of them. A few were against relatively weak opposition, but many were against prominent figures who were expected to give Perry a run for his money. Jim Hightower, John Sharp, Tony Sanchez, Chris Bell, Carole Keeton Strayhorn, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Bill White—you could competently govern a medium-sized republic with political talent like that. But all of them fell to Perry’s deep coffers, disciplined campaign style, occasional refusal to debate, and (semi-) popularity among Texans. What is it like to run against the man who may well be the most successful state politician in Texas history? To find out, we spoke to eleven people with intimate knowledge of what is, after dying and paying taxes, the most unpleasant experience a politician can endure. Mitt Romney, Michele Bachmann, Barack Obama: Read closely.


  5. Argent


    A good indicator is that the MSM loves him. Two nights running NBC has given him five minutes. You see the mean old lady at the fair who said to him, "I've been a lifelong Democrat, but I might just have to vote for you!" Later Perry said, "Obama had the chance to serve his country (in the military) and chose not to." He knows what the hot buttons are. The next election people will vote their pocketbooks and patriotism.
  6. bone



  7. bone


    But of course, letting the government tax carbon will make climate change go away and the world will be a better place because central government control and planning has a track record of making improvements to mankind.
  8. Ricter


    Is it any better for us if industry is government? No.
  9. bone


    How about a transparent government ? Remember Obama promising us that his administration would be the most transparent government in history ? Remember Nancy Pelosi telling us that we would have to just pass the Health Care legislation to see what was in it ? How is appointing a gazillion Czars to make policy changes via executive fiat more transparent than at least debating them amongst legislatures chosen and elected by the people ?
  10. Ricter


    As to transparency, I don't think any more visibility of the revolving door between industry and government is necessary, it's all too plain now, has been for decades. It just keeps getting worse, one industry friendly legislative "cut of a thousand" after another. But presently, for example, some are moaning that Obama wants to regulate the lead content in children's toys, that selling the toys won't be profitable.
    #10     Aug 17, 2011