RIAA Wants Gov. to Delete Your Illegal Downloads

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by pupu, Apr 15, 2010.

  1. LeeD


    It is a common practice that sufficiently old creative works are no longer covered by copyright.

    From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_domain
    #11     Apr 16, 2010
  2. Another using the phrase "OK". Broad non-descript generic term.

    Got some lame, loose analogies. None of which has anything to do with trading.

    Patents are for 17 years, which is why we have generic drug companies such as Perrigo, Mylan Labs, and...............R&D

    Instead of copyright infringement of intellectual property of record companies, perhaps you should give a little focus upon IF, when and how record companies dispense royalties to the underlying artists. The TRUE owners of the intellectual property.

    You think the heirs of Beethoven, Mozart, Chopin get royalty checks in the mail?

    Cost of production/packaging distribution versus ultimate retail price.

    As for taking land, the Sioux were given reservations, considered sovereign nations...............until gold was discoverd. Reneged rather than renegade. Countless other examples.

    Robbie Robertson made a disc of native American music. None of which he composed. Royalties to the "composers"?

    There is also the concept of emminent domain, where a nation, state or municpality seizes a property for the "greater good". No choice in the matter.

    Now, IF I was downloading and selling music for financial gain, that'd be another twist.

    My house is only MY house as long as I pay the property taxes.

    6000 posts in a mere two years says alot. With that magnitude, perhaps you should seek copyrights for the wealth of wizdum. You can fund the fees out of your vast, and no doubt consistent trading profits.
    #12     Apr 16, 2010
  3. Charlie "Bird" Parker is considered the father of Hard Bop jazz.

    He was born and grew up in Kansas City KANSAS. He died in New York in 1955. He had no heirs.

    He was buried beside his mother in Kansas City MISSOURI for decades.

    About 11 years ago the City of Kansas City MISSOURI decided to exume his remains and re-inter them at 18th & Vine. Their used to be an annual summer jazz festival there, and now a tourist attraction. Bird Parker only played in that district when he was 16 and 17, not even a sideman. A wannabe. He made his mark in NY. 52nd Street.

    I've never downloaded any Parker. I own one Verve CD of his music and two vinyl albums, both bought secondhand. WHO got the royalties? You're questioning MY ethics?

    Oh, oh, concerning the vinyl, I converted each from analog to digital through a soundcard and burned them to CD. I guess someone was infringed upon, eh?
    #13     Apr 16, 2010
  4. It was painful reading this response. Lousy spelling, trying to substitute personal opinion for prevailing law, 3rd grade logic, aimless content...

    You did a better job of debunking yourself than anyone else could :D
    #14     Apr 16, 2010