Revenge of the SIF

Discussion in 'Index Futures' started by nitro, Aug 11, 2005.

  1. LOL

    You come on this thread and you criticize traders that got burned on a particular day and then give all this useless advise about NOTHING that anyone could use in the real world and then, self proclaim to be this authority of 12 years.

    Then I ask you to put up or shut up and you cower away from the challenge and try to turn this on me.

    I'm not the one that was condescending to the traders that got burned on the topic of this post YOU WHERE.

    I have NOTHING to prove to you or anyone else because I am NOT critiquing/bashing the way others trade.

    You are foolish and obviously very insecure!
    #41     Aug 14, 2005
  2. And this guy is not condicending :confused:


    Talk about arrogant !

    Like ozzy needed the approval of THE GREAT TRADING AUTHORITY ... STEVE46
    #42     Aug 14, 2005

  3. No arrogance or pompous a## here at all.

    Gimme a break !!!!

    Who do you think you are ?

    Every truly great trader I have known in the last 20 years that was the REAL deal has been very humble and very flexible not a condicending jack a##.

    Even if you have been LUCKY enough to make a few bucks (which I highly doubt) I would change my attitude fast or the market might just take care of that for you.
    #43     Aug 14, 2005
  4. You have balls I will give you that. Unfortunately no intelligence to match.

    Your a scam artist. Period. I've had enough of your bullshit,

    I've received several emails from folks you have scammed.

    You have screwed with the wrong folks I think, cause now, they are getting pissed.

    I wonder how the rest of the folks here at ET would feel if they knew how you scam newbies. Maybe you can explain how you find your target, offer to "share" info, and then just at the point where they might get something of value, "You know, this is just too valuable to give away, but for a fee, I can hook you up with the rest of the information". You want to go down this street a little more?

    So you have 22 years in the business and you are scamming people on the internet. Yeah, right.

    No problem then slick, I intend to be right there from now on. I figure you need to have someone bitchslap you around the site every time you try to pull this crap on one of us.

    Disclose my trading plan or shut up. Sure, then you can re-package it and try to sell it to some unsuspecting newbie. Apparently thats your best game.

    Trading? Why trade when you can scam a captive audience on this and other sites?

    You have a real problem here bud, and I'm it. You want to play,

    Lets play

    #44     Aug 14, 2005
  5. nitro


    Often a third party with a cool head should intervene. May I suggest that unless we want this thread to go down the tubes, that we try to bing it back on topic.

    #45     Aug 14, 2005
  6. Hello Nitro:

    I understand. In my view it is your prerogative to do so. I am sorry to see it go this way. I hope you will understand what it is that I object to. I don't have further comment on the original subject so I'll stop here. Thanks for your patience.

    #46     Aug 14, 2005

  7. Nitro

    I've made my point on this fool and the readers can see for themselves what a arrogant jack a## he is, I will respect your thread and stop.
    #47     Aug 15, 2005
  8. I agree. You know anyone like that?
    #48     Aug 15, 2005
  9. Hello Steve:

    Thank you for sharing with us your analogy reg trains and the markets. It was very interesting indeed. It's amazing how our past and personalities shape the way we see trading and how we profit from it.

    Since this thread seems to have come to and end, I would like share with you my own perspective reg trading. Just for your entertainment of course.

    The reason I am fascinated with trading and the markets so much is because (and pls excuse my language) all the fcuk%^& that goes around. I am somewhat oversexed as you will notice.

    It works like this, when I am right I do the fuck*&^, and take the markets money, when I am wrong the markets f*^ me, and take my money.

    It's very similar to being at a titty bar. And some girl doing striptease. My job is to wait until those panties come off.

    When I become impatient, and jump before it's time, I always get screwed. When I wait until everything is off, and "I know" I am getting lucky, I do the screwing. I spend 95% of my time watching (researching) the markets do striptease for me.

    When I have major success, and decide to celebrate(become less cautious) and have one too many drinks, the girls come back and take all my winnings.

    So for me trading is like having my own harem, with tempting opportunities all around me, all the time.....

    Suffice to say, I am a position trader....:D

    Cheers !
    #49     Aug 17, 2005
  10. jsp326


    Amazing. This guy (Samson) has attacked others like a raging pit bull because they charge a fee for their services, and it turns out he's a vendor in his own right. At least the vendors he's attacked were up front and didn't hide the fact that they were selling something.

    Again, simply amazing.

    #50     Aug 27, 2005