Revelations...It Has Begun!

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by William Rennick, Feb 27, 2010.

  1. "And Earthquakes shall happen in diverse places"...

    Look for a big North American quake next.

    Rennicktradamus out

  2. morganist

    morganist Guest

    i never thought you were religious. i thought that was more peilthetraveler.
  3. revelations was written by some guy on lsd. surely you dont take it seriously?
  4. FredBloggs

    FredBloggs Guest

    i remember when i was a nipper at school and learning of the great quake of san-fran. i remember everybody saying that san-fran was due for THE quake in the next 20-30 years going by historical records and probability. that was 20-30 years ago.

    this would also seem to tie in with the bibles general prophecy of dealing with those who do not follow the word. cisco is full of gay's i am told. im not homophobic, but i wonder if there is any reasoning here?

    after all, cisco would complete the triangle of recent quakes of haiti, chilli, and cisco. do these correlate to the tectonic plate?
  5. FredBloggs

    FredBloggs Guest

    was he listening to rave or hard techno when he wrote said verses?
  6. morganist

    morganist Guest

    from what i can remember from my school geography there is a fault line called the san andreas fault. going all the way down the the west coast of america.

    this might have had an effect on chile too. i will do some research.
  7. morganist

    morganist Guest

    there you go.
  8. "this would also seem to tie in with the bibles general prophecy of dealing with those who do not follow the word. cisco is full of gay's i am told. im not homophobic, but i wonder if there is any reasoning here?"

    moron. there are more christians than gays in the bay area. so your god would destroy many of his own followers just to get a few gays?
  9. Japan was hit by A 7.0 yesterday. If San Fran is next we need to get my 2 favorite Mikes outta there, Savage and Singletary..
  10. morganist

    morganist Guest

    why do people always think god hates gay people so much. what about the criminals adulterers murderers politicians etc. if that was the case wouldn't there be an earthquake in dc.
    #10     Feb 27, 2010