Reuters: Potential profit from U.S. 'latency arbitrage' trading may be $3 billion

Discussion in 'Automated Trading' started by ogarbitrage, Feb 26, 2016.

  1. Potential profit from U.S. 'latency arbitrage' trading may be $3 billion

    How Prevalent and Profitable are Latency Arbitrage Opportunities on U.S. Stock Exchanges?
  2. Trader13


    If the "latency arb" opportunity exists because of fragmentation across stock exchanges/ECN's, then how do HFT's gain an edge in the electronic futures markets where each instrument trades on a single exchange?
  3. i960


    They don't; that is, they don't gain an edge via latency arbitrage specifically.
  4. SpencerJS


    Futures v underlyings. And reacting to info (news, econ data) faster. It's not the same as "latency arb" as practiced across US cash venues.