Retail Saturation

Discussion in 'Stocks' started by ByLoSellHi, Mar 21, 2007.

  1. I'm tired, so this will be my last thread tonight (sound of applause).

    But someone, please humor me.

    Is it just me, or are there way too many stores, selling the same shit, located very near each other, for it hard to imagine a scenario where 1/2 of these places could go bye-bye where they would not be missed in the least?

    Is retail saturation beyond the realm of absurdity, or am I am absurd/missing something?

    Thanks for indulging my random, late night curiosities.

    *P.S. - How do many of these places stay in business for so long??? And is it true that French women don't shave their armpits? And what is the deal with all the kids with peanut allergies lately - no one had peanut allergies when I was a kid?
  2. There is a 3 mile stretch of road in san diego that has 7 starbucks on it

    go figure
  3. hels02


    Retail - I hate retail, for just the reasons you say. However, up and coming retail, like Walmart 15 years ago, like BIG right now, are good bets because they are niche. For that reason, Neiman and Tiffany are considerations, because they are niche.

    French women and armpits... my understanding is that most European women do not shave. And some are very hairy. I will never forget the sight of this one european college friend who wore shorts one day for the first time... and only shaved to her knees. Above her knees she grew fur, like a poodle's. OMFG. That was one of the grossest things I have ever seen... next to the hairy backs you see occasionally at the beach...

    Peanut allergies... I think there's a lot of cross sensitization going on with chemicals that we are all saturated with in the US. I've never seen or heard of peanut allergies in other nations at all. I'd blame laundry detergent fragrances or additives in the milk supply, what else do babies get exposed to besides milk to develop these types of allergies? I have been told that for people with peanut allergy, licking a peanut can kill them. Very bad.
  4. There is a city right outside of Houston that has 3 on the same corner.
  5. Dude, your post made my night. Seriously. lmao. Thanks. That back hair is the most disgusting thing ever.

    Three what, though? Not three Wal-Marts?
  6. I bet that they are all always packed, too.

    Starbucks is a unique beast. I'll give it that much.
  7. "Is it just me, or are there way too many stores, selling the same shit, located very near each other,"

    My first guess, it is probably about the real estate, the crap sold in the stores provides some type of business plan for accounting/wealth benefits for the real value which is the real estate.
  8. zdreg


    please explain in more detail.
  9. Sears never made much money on their merchandise, the money was made on "credit card purchases" which supported the value in their real estate holdings.

    Ray Kroc of MCD will tell you, it wasn't about the hamburgers it was about the real estate and location.

    The goods are your inert tenant and you are the landlord.

    RSC Rex stores, white goods and tv's, the profits came from investments in oil and gas lease tax credits, too late to the real estate game, it always was a mall operation. Malls are dying because everyone wants to own real estate, hence the stand alone stores.

    Just my opinion, I'm sure others could explain it better.
  10. Retail from stoney's point of view is no bag of fun. I've toiled in the trenches of owning my own clothing store for 10 years and may I say I ran my store exactly like the average small biotech. > I never had cash in the bank. > I was late on many payements to factors. > I had to stop final Con Ed cut off many times. > I searched for financing from family > I built an impressive tax loss carry forward perhaps only rivled by The SEGWAY manufacturers.

    The hardest part of retail is dealing with people. Sometimes I sit behind my desk and put my hands in the front drawer and roll a joint right as I'm talking to them across from me. That's probably NOT the best customer service. When the summer comes I check out in a big way-- it's too hot to shop so I go to the beach. I think seeing my store closed for long weekends all July and August alianated some of our customers too.

    I would say when it's done right retail is still a great thing. If you guys can check out the Uniglo store on lower broadway-- a big new funky japanese Gap I might call it-- you will see what I mean. Stoney loves fine chocolate so candy retail is a-ok with me. My wife is a big shopper and she finds her fare share of small stores she likes but in general coming from the point iof view of the little guy (750 square foot store)
    Department stores as they have felt their own pinch have reacted with better assortment and pricing which have hurt the mom and pop shop even more.

    All in all I'm closing my doors in Sept. That's my take on retail.
    #10     Mar 21, 2007