Restricted: Complex or Leveraged Exchange Traded Product

Discussion in 'Trading' started by cambridgesoho, Jan 13, 2020.

  1. I just found out I can no longer trade leveraged ETF, it gave me message saying the financial instrument is not available for trading: Restricted: Complex or Leveraged Exchange Traded Product.

    Does anyone know what setting I need to adjust to be able to trade? I used to trade with no problems.

  2. ph1l


    Robert Morse likes this.
  3. Robert Morse

    Robert Morse Sponsor

    CALLumbus and FSU like this.
  4. S2007S


    Which broker is this?

    Was is 2x and 3x long/short etfs?
    Or specific ones?
  5. jwmcadoo


    I had the same issue with all leveraged ETFs on Interactive Brokers this AM.
  6. Robert Morse

    Robert Morse Sponsor

  7. It’s IB like soxl
  8. def

    def Sponsor

    Robert, it is very nice for you to post a shot that you offer them. We do to and I can do the same. However, by regulation we can only offer them to clients who fit suitability requirements. Hope you are not inferring you do otherwise.

    FINRA and other regulators such as the SFC in HK have suitability requirements for what they deem to be complex or leveraged products. Also, take a look at the FAQ I pasted below. You might have the relevant experience and just need to request permissions and/or take a short quiz so we can confirm your knowledge.

    The FINRA Guidelines

    SFC in HK

    And the guidance we provide from IBKR
    FAQ: I get an error message "Restricted: Complex or Leveraged Exchange Traded Product"

    Complex or Leveraged Exchange Traded Products (CLPs) are funds or notes that trade on an exchange but have very different characteristics from shares of stock or ordinary exchange-traded funds (ETFs).

    Eligible clients can review and update their trading permissions in Client Portal/Account Management to include "Complex or Leveraged Exchange Traded Products".

    In order to be approved for trading permissions you must meet the financial requirements, have prior trading experience, and the products/permissions must meet your investment objectives. Please note:

    • To trade Complex & Leveraged Products, you must have a Good or Extensive Knowledge Level for options and futures, or take a test.
    • To trade Complex & Leveraged Products, you must have a minimum of two years trading experience with stocks and either options or futures, or take a test.
    Please note that UGMA and UTMA accounts are not eligible to trade this product type.
  9. petr1000


    Hello Def,

    thank you for your reply. I face the same situation. Last week I could without any problems buy VXX options, but from Monday on, I recieve the same pop-up window as mentioned abve:

    Restricted: Complex or Leveraged Exchange Traded Product.

    I have even changed the questionary to Extense knowledge in Options + 6 years experience, but still I cannot trade them.

    do you know why? thank you a lot
  10. jwmcadoo


    It appears that 100K minimum Account is required.
    #10     Jan 14, 2020