Respect and authenticity

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Chood, Mar 23, 2007.

  1. Chood


    Pop entertainers like Bill O'Reilly and Ann Coulter are not authentic, deserve only contempt, and should be ashamed of their gross disrepect of authentic Americans like John Edwards and Rocky Anderson, both of whom are real-deal people with records of actual work, success, and importance.

    Edwards you know about, as you know also of Coulter's recent catty, book-selling slur against him. (Her market share among bunker builders and posse comitati is at an all-time high, I suppose).

    Rocky Anderson is the mayor of Salt Lake City. According to the NYT, "He went on Bill O’Reilly’s show on Fox News on Tuesday, for example, and Mr. O’Reilly promptly called him 'a kook.'"

    Real-deal people who strive, succeed, and sometimes fail ought not have to endure the mendacity of carny barkers like O'Reilly and Coulter.

    Entertainment has its place, but why anyone would consider O'Reilly and Coulter any different in kind from Anna Nicole or P.Diddy is beyond me. Let them give you your kicks -- and by all means let 'em make big money for it -- but not at the expense of real and important people like Edwards and Anderson.
  2. fhl


    John Edwards "channels" the dead to win a court case and you say that Bill and Ann are carnival barkers out to make a buck?
  3. Chood


    I got no problem -- who would?- with 'em making as much dinero as the entertainment market will bear. I thought I said that.

    Sean Penn and Susan Sarandon have made some bucks, too, but that doesn't lend them enough weight to call Mitt Romney and Mike Huckabee faggot and kook. If Penn and Sarandon did that, they'd be roundly criticized for it. So should O'Reilly and Coulter.
  4. fhl


    You said Edwards was an "authentic" american and implied that Bill and Ann weren't. You have not denied that Edwards is guilty of the very same thing you accused of Bill and Ann.

    Do I really have to do a google search for quotes from Penn and Sarandon to show how untrue your accusation is? If you haven't heard the vile things they've said, it's simply because you don't listen or don't care. Not like the way you care when someone says something about one of your heroes.
  5. Chood


    (As I said: ) Sean Penn and Susan Sarandon have made some bucks, too, but that doesn't lend them enough weight to call Mitt Romney and Mike Huckabee faggot and kook. If Penn and Sarandon did that, they'd be roundly criticized for it. So should O'Reilly and Coulter.
  6. fhl


    Here's something Penn did say.

    The 46-year-old star went on a rant arguing against the war in Iraq and the Bush administration saying, "Let's put his administration under oath. And then if the crimes of treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors are proven, do as Article 2, Section 4 of the United States Constitution provides, and remove the president, vice president, and...civil officers of the United States from office. Let's move forward and swiftly get out of this war in Iraq and impeach these b**tards."

    Penn also shocked the crowd by saying, "So look, if we attempt to impeach for lying about a blow job (referring to former President Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky), yet accept these almost certain abuses without challenge, we become a c** stain on the flag we wave."

    How about when Alec Baldwin said Henry Hyde should be stoned to death. How about when Julianne Malveaux said that she hoped judge Clarence Thomas would have a heart attack and die.

    The silence from the left that you say would roundly criticize such talk was deafening. Oh, you say that's not as bad as calling someone a faggot. That just suggests to me something about your sexual proclivities.
  7. fhl


    Why is it that the left would roundly criticize the use of the term faggot by ann coulter when she described the breck girl, but when Al Gore called his political enemies the "extra chromosome" crowd, the left was silent. Extra chromosome is what causes down's syndrome.

    Why is that chood? Do you actually have an answer, or are you just going to keep saying that conservatives are vile people and liberals are very sensitive to others feelings and don't offend, even when ALL evidence destroys your thesis?
  8. John Edwards is authentic? That's a good one, right up there with Bill Clinton is trustworthy.
  9. clinton n edwards are more trustworthy than bush.
  10. That is not a good comparison. chimpboy is not trustworthy at all... remember the iraqi wmds? :D
    #10     Mar 23, 2007