Republicans: Trillions Could Be Cut from Budget if We Eliminate Empathy

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by RobtF, Jul 3, 2011.

  1. rew


    Um, no, it's a joke.
    #21     Jul 3, 2011
  2. JamesL



    By eliminating the food, medicine and oxygen necessary to sustain human life, “We will reduce the single biggest drain on the U.S. economy: people.”
    #22     Jul 3, 2011
  3. Locutus


    I didn't read it line by line. That one does seem 100% implausible, but the lines before it certainly don't.

    At any rate, it's not worse than I thought it's just as bad.
    #23     Jul 3, 2011
  4. If the American Left is so smart, how come they aren't rich enough to do whatever they want without resorting to taxes?

    Come on, they Left should be able to outwit the "stoopid mouth-breathers" on the Right into forking over all their money for a few beads, like the Europeans did to the Indians for Manhattan, no? Surely the American Left is as intellectually superior to the American Right as the Europeans were to the Indians. No? Well, they sure like to say they are. In fact, I can't think of a single day in the last 30+ years where I haven't heard some variation on that theme.

    The Left keeps claiming this grand, nearly infinite, intellectual superiority over the Right, yet can't seem to capitalize on it.

    The reason, of course, is that Leftist ideas are moronic and fall apart upon contact with reality and, well, people notice that sort of thing and tend to discount the claims of superiority coming out of the people who foisted the ideas on the public in the first place.

    You ever stop to think that maybe the reason a large segment of the population in the US hates the welfare state is because we've watched it break promise after promise for nearly 3 generations? Go back and look at the original cost estimates for Medicare. They're off by hundreds of billions of dollars. In fact, they're off by more than the program was supposed to cost, i.e. the forecasting error was more than 100%! And this is held up as some great triumph?

    Unlike those who supported FDR and even LBJ, we've now got actual empirical data to support the fact that entitlements and collectivism and all of the other facets of Leftist ideology are simply unsustainable. The only thing keeping them going is the institutional inertia of all the teat-suckers who draw an income from these programs and squawk the moment a single cent is cut from their budgets. Hey, I understand why they squawk, that's their livelihood, but for those of us whose labor supports that livelihood, let's not pretend that A) they are competent at what they do and B) the world would collapse if they stopped doing it, because both of those assertions are unsupportable. It's well-known that the main reason governments all fear layoffs so much is that the people will realize just how little the layoffs impact their lives, which is why the government always starts by laying off the few bits of its bloated workforce that actually do impact people's lives, like police.
    #24     Jul 3, 2011
  5. Locutus


    tl;dr I never said the left was smart(er), I said some people were dumb and they happened to be right-wing politicians. Ron Paul is an example of an intelligent (albeit not always right) right-wing politician. There are a few others but whatever.
    #25     Jul 3, 2011
  6. Eight


    The American food supply is devoid of Omega 3's and Phosphatidylserine, both are essential to the development of a healthy brain, along with some vitamins and minerals which also are greatly reduced in the diet from modern farming... Paying attention to what Americans say about anything is just like tuning your radio to "babble" and letting the noise destroy your concentration all day long...
    #26     Jul 3, 2011
  7. Does that apply to you too? Or are you a hypocrite like the other libturds on this board?

    From the OP:
    By eliminating the food, medicine and oxygen necessary to sustain human life, “We will reduce the single biggest drain on the U.S. economy: people.”
    #27     Jul 3, 2011
  8. Betapeg


    Not all, but a huge sum are. Sadly, the proportion is high too, compared to Europe or developed Asian countries. America's average man or woman is totally oblivious to reality or basic common knowledge. You have to be alarmed when half the country believes that an imaginary old guy in the sky created the earth magically in 6 days.
    #28     Jul 3, 2011
  9. Wow, insightful.

    What's your opinion on the wetness of water? I'm waiting with bated breath.
    #29     Jul 3, 2011
  10. cloudy


    Sounds like something Limbaugh would say. The Rep. would probably squeal for "empathy" too when he's voted out of office, over 68 and has health bills that will sap the rest of his retirement without SS and medicare.
    #30     Jul 3, 2011