Republicans Happier than Democrats

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Pabst, Jul 3, 2006.

  1. aren't you the same one who said Osama was dead?

    How is fantasy land?

    Snapshot of the economy:
    What's wrong with the economy?

    If I find some time, I'll post up deep thoughts from the great minds of the Republican party, ala Dan Quayle, W, Reagan, Nixon (particarly his Jewish commentary from his tapes)....
    #21     Jul 3, 2006
  2. Oh come on. Gays still can't get married - that's certainly a valid reason to be happy. And minor facts that they were asleep at the wheel when Osama killed 3000 americans, that they've spend the surplus and bunkrupted the treasury, that they have failed to catch Osama or that thousands of american kids have been killed in Iraq for no good reason - these ridiculously unimportant and irrelevant facts can't possibly interfere with their happiness.
    #22     Jul 3, 2006
  3. maxpi


    You write that like you are being facetious almost but I think you are correct. I tried to read the LA times recently and it really got to me. I just could not go on with it, I had to go get a USA today.

    Sociologists looked for the reasons why canadians had such a lower murder rate than the USA when they own as many guns and eventually they traced it to how their news is presented and the amount of positive news content they have!
    #23     Jul 3, 2006
  4. LOL, better to be ignorant for just a day, regarding the Iranian leadership.....Then to be one of the ignoramus fools that believed for months or years the bullshit propaganda of the Bush administration.

    And just to put the Iranian article that I posted into proper context:
    1) there was prior FACTUAL news dealing with the Iranian leadership having publicaly and recently declared the holocaust to be a myth, and a few weeks before that, the president was publically saying Israel should be wiped off the map.....therefore the news of yellow badges for Jews to wear, was hardly a far stretch of the imagination, and would have simply been another step in that direction, of Iranian policy aimed at fashioning/championing itself as the most anti-Jewish muslim leadership in the Middle East.
    2)As far as I know the Jeruslem Post, on the whole, is not in the habit of "making up" stories.
    3)actual politicians condemned Iran, over the badges....gullible bastards!!

    Now go back to watching your "fair and balanced" FOX news, will you.

    you idiot.
    #24     Jul 4, 2006
  5. LOL...starting a thread that bitches about bitchers. As a matter of fact, I notice quite a few "livers" bitching about the "bitchers" here.

    BTW, aren't you the same guy that threw a tantrum, bitched, and threatened to leave ET unless a certain member wasn't banned? Gee, I didn't know you were a Democrat.
    #25     Jul 4, 2006
  6. Maxpi:
    "Sociologists looked for the reasons why canadians had such a lower murder rate than the USA when they own as many guns and eventually they traced it to how their news is presented and the amount of positive news content they have!"

    I thought it was 'coz it's colder-cant get out as much:confused:
    #26     Jul 4, 2006
  7. Joy of joys ...... Perhaps then one day we can be "livers" enough to "cut off the head," of a fellow poster.

    Then and perhaps only then...... can we become modertors for this sacered and hollowed place. And stuff.....

    oh boy......

    Quote from Pabst:

    Republicans are livers.

    Democrats are bitchers.
    #27     Jul 4, 2006
  8. HA HA ... that was a good one Riser...

    :D :D :D
    #28     Jul 4, 2006
  9. =============

    Political patterns can change also;
    saw a 4th of July special on Ronald Reagan on T.B.N. today.

    Ronald Reagan used to be a Democrat, dont know if he was a Republican when he worked for Jack Warner. That news special told how many of the eastern European Jews in Hollywood leadership like Jack Warner loved thier counrty [patriots]
    That pattern could repeat.

    Jack Warner pretty much gave Ronald Reagan his Hollywood breaks; GE helped him also.:cool:
    #29     Jul 4, 2006