Republicans get to vote for a Decent One

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Covertibility, Mar 21, 2018.

  1. His work:



    Perhaps the GOP long for the days of olde:

  2. exGOPer


    A honest Republican some may say who is not hiding behind dog whistles to express himself.
  3. exGOPer


  4. I really hope this gets thw global attention it deserves.

    Completely avoidably they have elected an actual Nazi monster. They have pissed on the gravestones of millions of soldiers and tens of millions others who died because of Hitler.

    This is next level stuff.
  5. Cuddles


    But, but, mah veterans!!
  6. This is a line in the sand day for me anyway. Condemnation is no good. A straight out murder of the sacrifice of uncounted ancestors occurred even before today.

    When the senior GOP decided to just run with it, nothing they can do or they did this on purpose who knows? Two wrongs do not cancel each other out. It is just two bad things. In this case however there is no conceivable context that is being misread.

    Incompetence is the very best one can hope for.
  7. If you're one of the lucky ones able to vote in this Illinois election and are voting for the Dem, have some fun by showing up wearing a Jake or Elwood Blues costume.


    Slartibartfast likes this.
  8. What is very impressive today is the non-coverage of his win in the major right wing media. I can't tell if this is being responsible or even they are ashamed/ trying to brush it under the rug.

    Not a thing on Fox I can see but for the Chicago Fox32.

    exGOPer likes this.