Republicans are Finished.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by piezoe, Sep 14, 2012.

  1. "The GOP today is largely a party of rabid, old, white men in the unhappy dusk of their lives, railing against a nation in which they are no longer the dominant players. It is sad to watch — and sadder to be one of them.

    You can smell the mothballs of their memories and memorabilia"


    Yeah.... the last line really hit home when I read the obit of Neal Armstrong.

    "An Eagle Scout as a young man."

    Mainstream is to mock where we learned our values "back in the day".

    The boy scouts......pffftttttt..

    Who needs it.... pfffttttttt....

    No matter, I'm over it.

    (grab crotch),.... I got your fuckin mothballs right here... lmao...
    #51     Sep 15, 2012
  2. 377OHMS


    Wow that must have been written by RCG.

    I think that not only does he lie to all of us here but that he is unable to be honest even with himself.

    Personally speaking, I'm having a pretty good time.

    I'm not pleased to see the USA destroyed by liberalism and socialism but its not like its going to effect me in any meaningful way. Many of us old white men have been able to protect ourselves, protect our assets and preserve our freedom regardless of what idiot occupies the Whitehouse.

    Its RCG's own people who are going to suffer, fall into poverty and end up changing adult diapers on graveyard shift if they are lucky enough to have a job. The numbers show that is what is happening already.
    #52     Sep 15, 2012
  3. lol
    #53     Sep 15, 2012
  4. Interesting response. You ignore the specific examples I gave of how Obama is hurting AA's and instead complain about the values of the country in the past.

    No doubt you feel like Michelle Obama, who only became proud of America when Obama was nominated. Or Obama himself, who clearly adopted his father's radical anti-western values. Is it any wonder that shockingly large numbers of people believe Obama is muslim? He certainly doesn't seem authentically American.

    It's very sad to me. Race trumps everything. You can't even bear to discuss how Obama's specific policies either clash with mainstream AA values, eg gay marriage, or directly hurt them, eg amnesty, illegal immigration, regulatory burdens on the economy.
    #54     Sep 15, 2012
  5. Ditto,, and this is generally confirmed byfamily and friends around me. If they haven't reitred, plans are in place to do what has been going on for years. Downsize, get life in order, prioritize the cash, etc, what we want to do.

    Re who wins the election, I suppose we just have to hope the US system of checks and balances does its job, keep those pols in line.
    #55     Sep 15, 2012
  6. You aren't please to see our country destroyed???? Is that the best you can do!?!?

    No wonder why our country is going to shit. Old whiteys with money not lifting a finger to right the ship! All those wayward cracker motherfuckers hitting the Congress and you sit back on your ass.
    #56     Sep 15, 2012
  7. I read somewhere that one of the zionists once said that when a zionist says "our country" he means Israel, and that for the non-zionist listener it could mean another country such as his country.
    #57     Sep 15, 2012
  8. Got bad news for ya buddy, you are still going to be at the bottom of the social hierarchy. We can't legislate you competent anymore than Congress can dictate the laws of economics .
    #58     Sep 16, 2012
  9. The examples you gave of Obama hurting blacks is a bit specious. He is hurting blacks by being soft on immigration? Really? That's a stretch AAA. As far as race and trumps go, did you watch the republican primaries? Food stamp president, wants to cut the work requirement out of welfare? Birtherism? Sorry, race entered the equation as soon as that crap started, and it started as soon as he got elected.

    Regarding mainstream values, just so we are on the same page, could you please elaborate on what is "mainstream"?
    #59     Sep 16, 2012
  10. Lucrum


    To you and your ilk it's always been part of the equation, you mercurial moron.
    #60     Sep 16, 2012