Republican employement plan questions.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by bigarrow, Jun 14, 2011.

  1. I can turn on the radio and listen to Rush if I wanted to listen to talking points.
    Where are the job losses because of the health care bill ?
    "slavish devotion" sounds like an emotional response rather than anything factual. I'm not disagree 100% with you, it's just the right is all slogan and no fact. There are job losses on the issues you mentioned but exaggeration is rampant in your post.
    I think Obama acted reasonably in the temporary oil gulf drilling ban. Think of it as insurance against a black swan event, two disasters happening at the same time. No accidents happened so he didn't need to do it, but if one would of the consequences would of been a much higher cost.
    The right has turned their hatred of Obama into a religion and like most all religion it is based in fear, prefudice and extremism. - I know, I know now I'm using emotion and not facts.

    #11     Jun 14, 2011
  2. I think I agree with you, we would of been on somewhat better footing, but not significant.
    I am for a national comprehensive health care plan but the timing was bad and Obama handled it wrong. If he was going to push it through he should of forced the Republicans hand and made them be a part of process of putting out a quality bill. Of course the Republicans should of worked had to make it a better bill on their own, but that doesn't happen in Washington.
    #12     Jun 14, 2011