Republican debate in South Carolina: Ron Paul takes drubbing

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Trader666, Jan 17, 2012.

  1. pspr


    Maybe he should just wear a white lab coat then since there is no point in getting dressed up for a Presidential debate. It's not like he is going to church where people will see him.
    #21     Jan 17, 2012
  2. LOL! Nobody is watching the debates any more?
    #22     Jan 17, 2012
  3. pspr


    Just a little sarcasm my friend. :D
    #23     Jan 17, 2012
  4. achilles28



    TV-heads are easy to spot because they regurgitate media talking points as if it was their own original thought. I can't tell you how many threads I've read by so-called conservatives that parade themselves around here like some type of intellectual guru, that of all things, obsess over Iran getting a fucking nuke...AS IF that's our one and only problem.

    According to these idiots, the border isn't a problem. Muslim immigration isn't a problem. Neither is bombing the shit out of brown people or multi-decade wars. Lost or unaccounted for Russian nukes certainly aren't a problem, nor is our energy policy that funnels trillions to oil-rich Muslim shitholes, who harbor and finance terrorists. The debt isn't a problem either, even though the economy and the dollar are the cornerstone to our military budget. No, the problem is Iran. Because Mommy and Daddy told me so. We are phucked. It's frightening to see how fucking gullible and easily fooled grown adults are.

    If the Government were serious about terrorism, they would have shut down the border the day after 911. I know 5 Turkish guys that got into the States, through the Mexican border, then up into Canada, AFTER 911. There is no border security. It's a fucking joke. Second, shutdown immigration from the middle east. Make it real tight, as Paul suggested. Third, get off oil. Pour 100 Billion into alternative, next-generation technology, like fusion, or whatever. The US military probably has this technology already. That's what most of these UFO sightings are - 7th and 8th generation aircraft running anti-gravity, or whatever. Commercialize it, get America off oil, and tell the entire Middle East to go fuck themselves. Then, deal with the debt, taxes, deregulation and get the economy back on track so we can underwrite American military superiority for the next 100 years. THIS IS NOT FUCKING ROCKET SCIENCE. Congress know this. It's all a big game. They're raping us.
    #24     Jan 17, 2012
  5. Worse still, THEY GET TO VOTE... mostly upon how to line their pockets!
    #25     Jan 17, 2012
  6. achilles28


    Exactly. In one way or another. Entitlements, vicarious warriors who get off on war, and corporate graft. A cesspool of vampiric fucks sucking us dry, Gnome.
    #26     Jan 17, 2012