Republican Candidate: ‘Monstrous Nature of Jewish People’ Must Be Exposed

Discussion in 'Politics' started by exGOPer, May 31, 2018.

  1. Poindexter


    Not "reformed Jew," Reform Jew, you utter moron. It's the largest Jewish religious denomination in the United States.

    Your bigotry is showing again.

    And here's a third chance for you to show your cowardice:

    Here's a bet for you to run away from like the lying coward you are:

    I'll prove I'm a Jew to admin and you're banned from ET for life. If I can't, then I'm banned for life.

    Last edited: Jun 2, 2018
    #21     Jun 2, 2018
  2. Hahaha you are so adorably stupid, you go after every bait. :)

    So, you are a liberal reform Jew, despite disagreeing with them on what seems quite an awful lot... how can the admins determine you are not a fake Jew if the other 'real Jews' say you are? Kind of a thorny issue.

    Being a conservative I have to say they follow tradition, you don't (don't even agree with the reforms) and are just making stuff up as you go along. So you are not a real Jew from a conservative perspective? Remember conservatives conserve.

    You need to prove that you are and all the voices that say no are wrong.
    #22     Jun 2, 2018
  3. Poindexter


    What "bait"? Quit trying to lie your way out of being exposed as a filthy anti-Semite.

    You've upped the ante from calling me a "fake Jew" to insulting the largest Jewish religious denomination in the United States.

    You're a hateful bigot. And a gutless coward for running away from my challenge three times.

    That's all I "need to" prove. And I've done so.

    #23     Jun 2, 2018
  4. Please, think about the video I posted.

    I'm not insulting them, I'm saying you are obviously not even a valid member of the group calling themselves 'reform' who are in turn viciously attacked as fake by the older traditions.

    You are a fake squared until you can prove otherwise.

    I did not put the words in the mouths of so many leaders.
    #24     Jun 2, 2018
  5. Poindexter


    Dude, you're bigoted coward and I've lost what little respect I had for you. Go fuck yourself.
    #26     Jun 2, 2018
    Slartibartfast likes this.
  6. Awwwww, you lose. But for the record, I'm only anti-bullshit. Not my fault you found a trading site via google searches and are out of your depth.

    Your poor self-esteem. You victim ok, don't let go of that kiddo.
    #27     Jun 2, 2018
  7. exGOPer


    He also claims to be a scientist and then posts the same dumb memes 15 year old 4chan trolls do.
    #28     Jun 2, 2018
    Cuddles and Slartibartfast like this.
  8. He is such a chump, did not even see the intentional misquote... tiny tiny mind.

    At least he now grasps a few things... Like how his "exceptional" status as both an American and God's chosen as a US "reform Jew" would have him reach just 2nd class person in current Israel.

    Due in part to the very political and orthodox religious leaders Trump is scrambling to please (repay) with the embassy move (and they are returning the favor by not being so overtly upset by his dogwhistles to Charlottesville anti-Semites etc.). The same ones who don't recognize his faction of highly liberal individuals as Jews at all really. The inclusive and progressive 'reforms' don't support the move now I understand.

    Poor poor Poindexter, the world is more complicated than his sheltered life revealed until now. Nobody knew Jewish politics was so complicated.

    I guess you only learn so much working as a janitor or something for a government department? Still they gave him a shiny challenge coin. It is probably all just his fantasist lies anyway.
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2018
    #29     Jun 2, 2018
    exGOPer likes this.
  9. LacesOut


    foreigner, leftist bigots...
    big shock?
    #30     Jun 2, 2018
    Poindexter likes this.