Republican Candidate: ‘Monstrous Nature of Jewish People’ Must Be Exposed

Discussion in 'Politics' started by exGOPer, May 31, 2018.

  1. LacesOut


    Lol is that what that shows?


    Bet you 90% of the people survey had no idea who Little was - they just were voting Republican or anyone but Feinstein.
    #11     Jun 1, 2018
  2. exGOPer


    20% is significant in a crowded field is significant - 10% in a binary choice isn't
    #12     Jun 1, 2018
  3. NeoTrader


    #13     Jun 1, 2018
    bone and Clubber Lang like this.
  4. Poindexter


    Thank goodness we have the bigoted paper trader from Colombia to tell us who we are and are not.

    I don't even remember the Arthur Jones BS, nor did I know Tom's a Jew. Link? But I am totally unconcerned about antisemitism on the GOP side because that's NOT where the problem is as I've already stated.

    Here's a bet for you to run away from like the lying coward you are:

    I'll prove I'm a Jew to admin and you're banned from ET for life. If I can't, then I'm banned for life.
    #14     Jun 1, 2018
  5. :) I don't think they want to see pics of your winkey.

    I'm a Roman Catholic, I'm also very not a Roman Catholic in heart. If I claimed to be one, argued as representing them, I'd be a fake. Your claim to not even recall those posts is an underscore to my point.

    You mention bigotry, something nobody has every accused me of in the real world. Well except for the bigot who was calling me a bigot against bigots kind of thing. I've put myself in the firing line to stop bigots too many times to count.

    A cool thing about my Irish/Danish (shhh! US) background is people tend to seem me as fairly neutral. You would amazed at how much time I've spent backpacking talking with Israeli's for example and several non-Israeli Jews.

    I am completely relaxed about the whole criticism of some sectors of Judaism returns an accusation of anti-antisemitism against all Jews. It is a dirty old trick, I don't care.

    Like the republican party (or dem) the range of types trying to fit under one tent in Judaism is boggling at times. The level of inter-faction bigotry and internal anti-antisemitism (the term "fake Jew" came to me from a Jew) is remarkable for such a small sector.

    As you mentioned bigotry & seeing as you said you have a black sister @Poindexter, how do you recon she would be treated in Israel? An English Jewish friend/neighbor of mine had a bit of a rough time when she visited Israel with her far whiter husband. Do you worry about it? Does it ever cross your mind that since there is such strife internally involving Jewish tribalism people outside the fold don't don't get any consistency of treatment?

    "In March 2018, chief Sephardic Rabbi of Israel, Yitzhak Yosef, used the term Kushi to refer to black people, which has Talmudic origins but is a derogatory word for people of African descent in modern Hebrew. He also reportedly likened black people to monkeys.[242][243][244]"

    "In contemporary usage, the term is regarded as an ethnic slur, akin to American usage of nigger.[1][5]"

    Of course he is the chief Sephardic, there is another for the Ashkenazi. There were those unfortunate incidences of Ashkenazi attacked by the orthodox, how many kinds of orthodox again?.. I know a US rabbi who is not shy to say Ashkenazi are not real Jews. All converts he said, bad genes and ideas contaminating things he said...

    So... seems a little more complex than are you for or against Jews and if you are against any group you are against them all.

    (one comment about "fake jews" in the YouTube comments there, not me).
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2018
    #15     Jun 1, 2018
  6. Poindexter also keeps saying I'm from Colombia, I am writing from Colombia sometimes as I have a home there. I think he is implying that Colombians are inferior, quite bigoted.

    Colombia is the only country I know where if a woman asked you "Does my bum look big in this?" the correct & safe answer is "yes it does". Pretty cool.
    #16     Jun 1, 2018
  7. Poindexter


    Spare me. Among other places, it's in my old gov't personnel file.
    If you're implying I'm a Jew in name only because of this "observation" -- go fuck yourself. You're a moron and a bigot.
    There's a lot more anti-Semitism among blacks than the other way around. And speaking of my sister (who is gorgeous BTW)... whenever we're together by ourselves in public, the only looks we get are glares from black men. Never noticed until she pointed it out. Neither of us has been to Israel but that's not a bad vacation idea and I'm curious about how we'd be received.
    Because that's where you yourself said you were FROM in your profile pic. Now you're from Houston?

    slart - Copy.png

    Once again, you think wrong. My implication was, you're not an American citizen. Am I wrong?
    #17     Jun 1, 2018
  8. They have pictures of your winkey in you old government file? Or did you sneak them in there? You really are an odd one.

    I've seen you answering on Shabbat. Not so shomer Shabbat and... fuck you back so obviously a fake Jew. So bigotry is intolerance to those who hold different opinions... casting the first stone there boss? A famous (fake) Jew said that.

    Your point about anti-Semitic blacks... how lame and lazy. Well if you do go on holidays I hope she does not suffer too much due to your ignorance. Take a couple of months though, really absorb the place.

    This fellow wrote an interesting couple of articles.

    Have you ever even left the US beyond the back yard I wonder?

    You are a fake and that is why you put point scoring on a forum over even noting appropriate concern for mortal enemies.

    Your repeated concern over my location explains a lot however. Explained before, it is where I am writing from when I updated, not where I was born. How do you like it now?
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2018
    #18     Jun 2, 2018
  9. Poindexter


    So what? Know anything about Reform Judaism? Obviously not. Once again:

    Here's a bet for you to run away from like the lying coward you are:

    I'll prove I'm a Jew to admin and you're banned from ET for life. If I can't, then I'm banned for life.

    That's right. You're an ignorant, lying, bigot -- and a spineless, yellow-bellied coward.
    #19     Jun 2, 2018
  10. "Reformed Jew"? so not a Jew Jew but a reformed Jew. Yeah, I kinda suspected that alright. That is why I selected the video I posted above.

    The head of the Sephardi does not seem seem to think you are real Jewish at all. He was pretty clear about that. Benny says you are too fake to have access to the Western Wall even.. but then said you were but also not...

    So I'm afraid with the consensus being you are too liberal to be a real Jew, you are still a fake Jew best I can tell.

    I'd have a chat with them, they seem really bigoted.
    "“Today there was a hearing on the Kotel on the petition of the cursed evil people who do every iniquity in the world against the Torah – they even marry Jews and non-Jews,” said Amar" (Sephardi Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem Shlomo Amar)

    Israel Tells Reform Jews: You’re Not Really Jewish, but Your Money Is Just Jewish Enough

    Israeli Heritage TV: Reform Jews Are the 'Fake Rolexes' of Judaism
    Broadcasting body warns Channel 20, after post on station's official Facebook page equated Reform Jews with imitation sneakers and fake watches.

    I thought the reforms were liberal (really hate Trump & embassy move etc.) though but you are a conservative? Being a little a-la-cart? Just back to the other point about pretending to be something you are not and doubly fake.
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2018
    #20     Jun 2, 2018