Reporting IB's TWS bugs

Discussion in 'Interactive Brokers' started by J.P., Apr 6, 2010.

  1. Benign


    Very often IB deals bugs in a way that it doesn't feel like fixing bugs at all. When they encounter that perhaps they don't border to fix they may say something like that:

    1. "I couldn't reproduce it" (I have written a step-by-step instruction. The staff simply said that without leaving me any details what's wrong)

    2. "I'm only interested in real cases. Please report it immediately next time if you encounter the bug again" (Some bugs cost you much in trading. Why don't you take the initiative to fix it now? Rather you want to wait for more victims and complaints before action)

    3. "Please provide screenshots" (when screenshots are clearly unnecessary, as if they simply want to do extra work in hope for putting you off)

    4. "Please provide screenshots" (when I have provided already, as if they didn't read at all before reply)

    5. "Please submit it in feature poll" (Hey, this is a bug not feature?!)

    6. "(Message by email) Feature poll is not to report. Please report bugs by submitting a web ticket" (Really ridiculous. Who should I listen now? Someone told me to send it as "feature request" on feature poll. Then another guy told me to send it as "bug" by "web ticket")
    #11     Apr 12, 2010
  2. samovar


    A number of people asked me about how to get compensated by IB for losses due to bugs in TWS.

    I looked at all the tickets in my account's Message Center, but couldn't find the one that discussed this issue. However, I noticed that tickets went only as far back as 2008-May, which is about 2 years ago. Does anyone know if IB deletes tickets more than 2 years old?
    #12     Apr 15, 2010
  3. Tradism


    I think so. IB will prune tickets which are too old. I'm not sure how old is regarded as old though. :p
    #13     Apr 27, 2010
  4. kgoodfl


    I just had a stop trigger correctly and then fill at a much lower price resulting in a loss. There were no sales shown at the price mine filled at during that time frame if you look at the time and sales and the chart. I wonder if they will compensate me. I thought their execution prices were supposed to be better not worse.
    #14     May 5, 2010