Report: Iran's president says oil prices too low

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by SethArb, Apr 19, 2008.

  1. Joab


    Sure they do that why they stretch the US military to it's limits and ran up 3 trillion $ war deficits :confused:

    So when a REAL threat comes they will have lots left in the tank to deal with it !
    #11     Apr 19, 2008
  2. Provide the source of this quote: "He will wipe the US and Israel off the face of the earth". I am assuming that it just came from your head or it is a lie told to you by others, like Iraq and Saddam have WMDs. He never said anything to the effect towards US. I also read about what he said. "Off the face of the earth" is different things when compared to "Off the face of history".

    Joab: get yourself some education, and stop doing the work of others for free. They get the bacon, you get nothing.
    #12     Apr 19, 2008
  3. 377OHMS


    #13     Apr 25, 2008

  4. Awww hell. We may start this, but one stray missile/agressive action toward Israel and the Israeli military will _level_ Iran.

    If Iran is the short bully Israel is the slender looking kid on the playground with the leather jacket that is always smoking a cigarette - waiting until the other kids make the first move, then out comes the shotgun.
    #14     Apr 25, 2008