Report from the Mississippi bridge collapse

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Turok, Aug 1, 2007.

  1. The uncouth like yourself are incapable of elevation of class.

    A great tragedy is happening in full view, rescue workers are trying to recover bodies, and some insensitive blogger seizes on the situation to attack conspiracy theorists.

    Couldn't he have at least waited until the corpses were found, until all the families had been notified?

    If your loved ones were missing and likely on that bridge when it collapsed, how appropriate would you find someone using the tragedy to advance their own personal agenda of attacking others through a parody of the tragic situation?

    In any case, your defensive response fails to defend your actions, as it is grounded in attack of the messenger.

    The message that your act is classless remains valid no matter who delivers it, and your unwillingness to examine your behavior solidly demonstrates the lack of self awareness and sensitivity toward others.

    #11     Aug 2, 2007
  2. ElCubano


    did you take lessons while in jail??? poor taste, poor timing..
    #12     Aug 2, 2007
  3. not only did he make fun of the tragedy, but he threw in a little race baiting while he was at it. these neocons are a different breed.
    #13     Aug 2, 2007
  4. Turok


    ... "your unwillingness to examine your behavior" ... blah, blah, blah

    Ztroll -- ET's resident professor of introspection. ROFLAO.

    #14     Aug 2, 2007
  5. The more you dodge and try to defend your insensitive and classless post via attacking the messenger, the more it reveals your underbelly.

    Face it, you fucked up. Just apologize and move on.

    #15     Aug 2, 2007
  6. Turok


    >not only did he make fun of the tragedy, but he threw in
    >a little race baiting while he was at it.

    Actually, no fun of the tragedy...perhaps someone needs to explain this "parody" thing to you.

    From Wikipedia:
    >In contemporary usage, a parody (or lampoon) is a work
    >that imitates another work in order to ridicule, ironically
    >comment on, or poke some affectionate fun at the work
    >itself, the subject of the work, the author or fictional voice
    >of the parody, or another subject.

    It is the work of you and the work of wael that is being made fun of and ridiculed.

    You really do love that "race baiting" card don't you. LOL For the record (in case it wasn't obvious enough from reference to WAEL in the report, the race portion of that parody was taken from waels posts and not yours -- but don't be disappointed, most everything else was ridiculing you.

    >these neocons are a different breed.

    ROFLAO -- I had no idea that "neocons" were pro-choice, pro gay marriage, anti - Guantanamo, etc.

    Your understanding of definitions is as convoluted as your logic.

    #16     Aug 2, 2007
  7. parody during a tradegy??? then you race bait.... now you are being busted. seriously dude, just apologize and move on.
    #17     Aug 2, 2007
  8. well if you did a little research on neocons you would learn that many were uber libs in their earlier incarnations. their roots are steeped in trotskyism, not exactly southern baptist conservatives.
    #18     Aug 2, 2007
  9. Turok


    >I had no idea that "neocons" were pro-choice, pro
    >gay marriage, ....

    >well if you did a little research on neocons you would
    >learn that many were uber libs in their earlier incarnations.
    >their roots are steeped in trotskyism, not exactly
    >southern baptist conservatives.

    Find me a "neocon" who holds the socially liberal positions that I vocalize and then we'll consider your label.

    #19     Aug 2, 2007
  10. I can't really comment on the parody or race baiting, but what really bugs me is how everything bad that happens in the whole world causes such comments like "not sure if it's terrorist related" and other drivel. These terrorists that we've been made to be very, very, afraid of have been around forever, and stuff, horrible stuff, happens without their help. Sure we should be aware and even run on caution, but to have the media jumping in with the word terrorist whenever anything happens is just plain stupid.

    With Mr. Bush using 9/11 and the word terrorist a zillion times whenever there is a microphone in his face, and yes, Al Gore chatting up global warming when asked about something completely different, drives me nuts.

    What ever happened to just plain reporting and solid, fact filled speeches and discussions?

    #20     Aug 2, 2007