Replicating IBKR Adaptive market orders

Discussion in 'Order Execution' started by nooby_mcnoob, Mar 25, 2022.

  1. I absolutely LOVE IBKR adaptive market orders (

    I nearly always get great prices.

    However, using market orders on other brokers just sucks in comparison.

    Has anyone implemented similar features and can they please send me the code :D:D:D:D:D

    If not, what do you think is the difficulty in replicating? How would you do it? The feature is described here:

  2. Overnight


    Sounds like a dumb idea. The whole point of a market order is to get out NOW. So it is saying it will adjust to become a limit order if conditions warrant? The Frak!
  3. The purpose of a market order is to say fill me at the market. The purpose of a limit order is to fill you at the limit. The "urgency" dictates how aggressively you want to get out. The type of order and urgency are orthogonal.

    The IB adaptive orders often give you better fills than you'd get with strictly market or limit orders because they progressively request worse prices (with the worst being market/your limit) and maybe someone fills you on the way there.
  4. traider


    Are you using it for options or plain equities?
    Does it only work when bid ask spread is huge?
  5. It can only give you "better" prices when the spread is not one tick :)

    I haven't tried it for options yet, at least not consistently.
  6. ajacobson


  7. qlai


    #10     Mar 26, 2022