Rent free and more freeeee hand outs. Yes millions living rent free all while Job openings SURGE!!!

Discussion in 'Politics' started by S2007S, Jun 26, 2021.

  1. S2007S


    So this is what it comes down to. Millions and millions of people living rent free, and plans to extend the free rent continues and continues. And now those struggling to pay rent are going to get the chance to qualify for even more free money. Yes more free money all while jobs have become plentiful. The JOLT report from 2 weeks ago showed a RECORD GIGANTIC 9.3 MILLION job openings but hey it doesn't matter. Why work when you can live rent free. If That's the highest overhead that can be absorbed for free why would you want to work. So this is what this has become, a nation of free handouts and free money. And it looks like it may be here to stay. Just another way to artificially bump up the economy.

    MKTrader likes this.
  2. RedDuke


    Sad. When it all ends it will be brutal.
    Turveyd, comagnum and Relentless like this.
  3. zdreg


  4. iprph90


    My exact sentiments about billionaires and corporations that pay little or no taxes.
    Ricter, UsualName, VPhantom and 4 others like this.
  5. zdreg


    If Apple doesn't pay taxes the shareholders and buyers of computers benefit. Who are the shareholders. Every union made up of working class people of in the US owns shares of Apple.
    NoahA likes this.
  6. What about the landlords?
    Oh that’s right, fuck them. Even though the vast majority of landlords are regular people NOT large corporations.

    Just regular people who saved and bought what was supposed to be a great investment...rental properties.

    Nobody cares about them right Dems? Greedy bastards.
    How dare they try to make a better future for their families
  7. NoahA


    And that is exactly why it will be impossible to fix this problem until it comes crashing down. The corporations know they have devised the perfect scheme. They literally have the government protecting them because each time the issue of raising taxes is brought up, or removing the loophole of offshore headquarters, they threaten that this will take away jobs. The government is too chicken shit because they know pissing off the shareholders or cutting employees is a death sentence for them, so they continue to play along. The government and corporations are both complicit in screwing over the vast majority of the population except for maybe the top 20% who are either rich, or work for the government.

    Since no politician dares say we need to both cut corporation loopholes while also cutting government, the only way to fix the system is going to be something akin to gravity, where a natural force more powerful than all this bullshit wins out. Is that a war or revolution where most people get so pissed off that they go on a rampage? Right now even the poor people are doing great with their government handouts and free rent, so there is really nobody yet to start the revolution.
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2021
    VPhantom and zdreg like this.
  8. iprph90


    In 2019, only 15% percent of families in the bottom 20% of income earners held stock in some form, while 92% of families in the top 10% of the income distribution owned stock.

    .......not many of the "working poor" benefitting from Apple dodging taxes.
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2021
    Ricter, VPhantom and Cuddles like this.
  9. Nobert


  10. Tradex


    The Elite wants "socialism", on a global scale.

    People must depend on you if you want to control them, simple as that.
    #10     Jun 26, 2021
    Turveyd, smallfil and NoahA like this.