I'm not with them but the usual rule is proprietary traders are NOT allowed to trade remote. You would be trading their money, why would they let you unsupervised??? rtharp
you're right Hitman...I guess its a difference between prop and pro firm so are you saying that you didn't have to put up any money at woldco?
I've stated this before A proprietary firm means they back you A professional firm means you back you. A firm that will back you will want to have you surrounded by other good traders and will want to keep an eye on you. Echo is not proprietary rtharp
wow! so that's the difference between proprietary (bring your own money) and professional (bring your own money). So what's the difference? I've heard and seen at both types of firms, they'll back "certain few traders" so that they need not back themselves. There in lies the problem. Only "certain ones" get that offer (hitman). So where does that leave: .. all those whom don't live near the Branch Office?; .. or those who don't fit the profile but exceed the experience or intelligence quotient; .. or those who have not experienced trading at an excellerated pace? I guess Worldco doesn't have remote, but also doesn't require upfront monies (conditional offer, limited few). What you should be asking is "WHY would you take this enormous risk without covering your own bases?" I'm giving 5 Cyber Credits to the person that names this quote: "Maverick, get in here... That was some incredibly good flying, but you're writing checks your .....s can't cash...". Get the point?