Reminder-- Most Corporations do not pay Tax to the USA

Discussion in 'Economics' started by walter4, Nov 2, 2008.

  1. piezoe


    That's right. The founders fought tooth and nail for the interests of rich white men. Chances are you'd be part of the indentured class today, maybe you are, had nothing changed.
    #21     Nov 23, 2015
  2. achilles28


    That has nothing to do with what I posted. So thanks for that irrelevant commentary.

    And those "rich white men" are the reason why you enjoy such a plentiful, abundant, wonderful life. So maybe you ought to be thankful for their sacrifice instead of throwing stones all day at some system you erroneously think was "Evil".
    #22     Nov 23, 2015
  3. piezoe


    exactly what was their "sacrifice"?
    #23     Nov 23, 2015
  4. achilles28


    LOL How about putting their lives on the line during the Revolutionary War, winning, and having the balls to create a country that put individual liberty above the rule of depots? You think you'd have the balls to do that? I don't. Not to mention actually LEAD a country...

    You think you're a greater man then the Founding Fathers????? LOOL
    #24     Nov 24, 2015
  5. fhl


    sub s corps don't pay corp tax

    changing corp taxes won't have any affect at all on sub s corps
    #25     Nov 24, 2015
  6. piezoe


    They did not put their lives on the line other then taking the risk that had the British prevailed these wealthy white male land owners would, if caught, been executed. They let the disenfranchised and dispossessed do the fighting for them and welched on their pay. That's not exactly what I would term heroic action.
    #26     Nov 24, 2015
  7. achilles28


    Ya, they didn't risk anything.....except their lives on threat of execution....

    Many of the Founders fought directly in the Revolutionary War and the Indian Wars preceding it. They most certainly put their lives on the line.
    #27     Nov 24, 2015
  8. piezoe


    Practically none fought directly. In fact it may have been none! You might want to read up on colonial American History. May I suggest "The Social Structure of Revolutionary America," by Jackson Turner Main. The Continental Congress governed the Colonies throughout the War and it was heavily dominated and completely controlled by the Wealthy. These same, your founding heroes, were safe and hardly suffered so much as a scratch through the war. The lower order of officers, who were recruited with the promise of being able to better themselves, suffered and were killed, by their own men in some instances. The common soldier, was paid, when they were paid at all, with Continental script that became worthless with the inflation brought on by the war. Great hardships were suffered by the common man while your heroes, George Washington (the richest man in America and a tiresome social climber), john Hancock an extremely prosperous Merchant, and Ben Franklin (rich and safely out of the country) all ended up without a scratch and even more enriched by the war. Colonels received 75$ pay; Continental army privates $6 a month. Washington of course arranged better treatment for his own troops who were better fed and clothed. He used six hundred of these troops to march on 200 disgruntled and mistreated mutineers in New Jersey and disarm them. He then arranged to immediately try three ringleaders and have two shot, as an example he said, by a firing squad made of their sobbing mutineer friends who would have been shot as well had they not carried out orders. There's your heroes.
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2015
    #28     Nov 25, 2015