Remember when the nuts on the left laughed about death panels?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Max E., Jun 4, 2013.

  1. You are mistaken about that, the laws of supply and demand don't just vanish because you don't like the implications.
    #21     Jun 5, 2013
  2. It's called charity my friend not a rationalization for govt theft.
    #22     Jun 5, 2013
  3. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    So is welfare and foodstamps, and any other safety net. Yet, a socially evolved society should have some form of safety net for those who are underprivileged. That doesn't mean create a society dependent on it (like we have). But there should be a way that a man down on his luck can get into a better situation. There should be charity, even at a national level.
    #23     Jun 5, 2013
  4. To arrow's point, there is no evidence of Boehner or his family receiving special favors. We know Obama's brother got an extraordinary favor from that Lois Lerner woman at the same time the IRS was targetting legitimate Tea Party groups.

    Leaving Boehner aside, it's a big part of the reason we don't want government involved in these health care decisions. We don't trust them. We know from decades of experience that they will be corrupt. Is there any reason to think Obama and his Chicago thugs will be any more honest than they are in handing out building permits say in Chicago?

    Organ transplant decisions are always going to involve difficult ethical questions. We don't want government deciding who lives and dies through irrational decisions. At the same time we don't want a society like China where people are kidnapped and have their organs harvested for money. Now, there is no financial incentive in this country to donate organs. Clearly, that cuts back on the supply.

    One thng I know is I don't want Kathyren Sebelius making the decision. She was a big supporter of partial birth and late term abortions as governor of Kansas. She is a monster who has no business being involved in any discussion of the ethics of health care.
    #24     Jun 5, 2013
  5. Ricter



    The former system was to have money or get charity. The new system is to get in the queue.
    #25     Jun 5, 2013
  6. What you describe is not charity but a path to entitlement my friend.
    The fact that you don't recognize it is quite telling.
    #26     Jun 5, 2013


    And lots of the people with pre-existing conditions were responsible for them. People who eat crappy food, people who smoke, drink excessively and do drugs. People who don't exercise. The list goes on and on. These are CHOICES people make. So these people I'm talking about oftentimes can reverse their health issues if they'd just quit being lazy.
    #27     Jun 5, 2013
  8. I agree wallet and take away their gravey train retirement and healthcare. Let em take care of themselves like the rest of us do.

    My view is that everyone is looking at this problem from the wrong angle. The question isn't why the government or insurance does not pay the bill but why is healthcare so expensive and what can we do to bring down the cost of healthcare. The hospital and doctor and insurance industry have a huge scam going on and it's costing us and our nation. What our doctors and hospitals charge for procedures and medicine that people overseas get for a fraction of the cost is an outrage. And the insurance companies are complicit in this too. They make a percentage on the premiums they charge, health care goes up then premiums go up and of course profits go up. The insurance companies don't have any incentive to keep costs down long term.
    With reasonable prices government, church or community help would be more likely.
    #28     Jun 5, 2013
  9. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    You know, PT, your assumption of all things and the belief that you, alone, hold an accurate view to the world is beginning to get a bit old.

    What I describe, if properly maintained, is not a path to entitlement. What I describe is a way for charity to be given in a national program to support the needy. Key word there, needy. It must be controlled fiercely to prevent it from being used wrongly, but there is no easy way to ensure that the needy are provided for on a national level other than a national safety net.
    #29     Jun 5, 2013
  10. I just read an article on this and from what I gathered this isn't a cut and dried economic issue. Apparently there are a limited number of adult lungs out there and many people on the list so the little girl getting a lung could stop another person from getting a transplant. The rules were made not for economic reasons but because they aren't as sure of the outcome for the procedure as they are for adults receiving adult lungs. If someone has info if I understood this right or not, please follow up.
    #30     Jun 5, 2013