Remember when Fresh Gulf Seafood use to be delectable?

Discussion in 'Economics' started by bond_trad3r, Jun 19, 2010.

  1. I was in a restaurant the other day and saw some medium item that looked delicious. The description whoever was a turn off: "fresh Gulf shrimp." I mean, who would want to eat that contaminated shit?

    The economic fallout from this is going to be huge. I wonder if coastal Real Estate will going to drop significantly lower.
  2. TGregg


    Bush gets elected and he has to invade a country to steal their oil.

    Obama gets elected and the shit just washes up on the beaches.

    :D :D :D
  3. MattF


    Louisiana isn't the only place that has shrimp....
  4. Of course coastal real estate is going to drop if this keeps up. I am glad we didn't buy in Destin, FL we would be bumming.
  5. Anybody else looking for a deal on a vacation place on the Gulf? There's got to be some good deals out there. I think the oil will be gone in a couple years. But that's the gamble..

  6. holy crap....I must have been drunk when I wrote the above.

    I was in a restaurant the other day and saw an item on the menu that looked delicious. The description however was a turn off: "fresh Gulf shrimp." I mean, who would want to eat that contaminated shit?