Remember Newt and the boys- Contract On America?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by loza, Jul 7, 2009.

  1. Eight


    Dump the major parties, the constitution party is the way to go...

    Homos aren't going to like it but hey, remember Prop 8, that's my motto.. these jerks get AIDS, won't close their bath houses and collect their gimp money out of my pocket via taxes... shove it homos.. Socialists won't like it, it would shut down the Federal Socialism, whatever... show me where Socialism works without major money coming in from Oil sales or military aid from the US and I'll go for it... quite a few industries won't like it but you know what, the large majority of Americans would be happy with their complete freedoms, no cops busting in, nobody telling you you can't take a supplement or a drug, nobody stifling your speech, no attorney extortion... Sarah Palin has had 13 ethics investigations, she had to pay her own attorneys for all that shit and take time off and so far, she's not guilty of anything much at all, and her church was burned.. we need to shut this shit down bigtime.. Loser pays court system would fix a few problems that the less than really wealthy have, not to mention the legal burden on all of our entire private sector...
    #11     Jul 7, 2009