Religion vs wealth

Discussion in 'Religion and Spirituality' started by Covertibility, Aug 17, 2009.

  1. optionable

    optionable Guest

    I'm not sure why there seem to be two camps on this forum.

    It is very logical...

    Man has 3 distinct needs.

    1) Survival
    2) Physical comfort/pleasure
    3) Emotional comfort/pleasure

    So, once (1) is achieved man focuses on (2) and the (3). This is overly simplistic of course, for many things we do include all three of these needs to a lesser or greater degree.

    If you accept this model, then it is clear that once the material world has casued you pain the only thing left for you to do is survive and get some kind of self worth (i.e. (3)). This is where dogma comes this particular case it may be religion, but false patriotism and nationalism are just as dangerous.

    Just my 2 cents.
    #31     Aug 17, 2009
  2. just want to let you all know, im a professor of theology and am surprised by the caliber of some of the thoughts articulated here. of course nothing here really adds to the conversation/debate of religions' truth or god's existence, but that's obviously no surprise. these matters have been debated since the beginning of time, but still it's nice to see (some) traders aren't (necessarily) as dumb as i believed them to be. kudos!
    #32     Aug 17, 2009
  3. Is your theory like the "Media is Liberal" Fallacy the right wing elite purvey to their shoeless masses?

    Here are some of the facts:


    Whites living in Red po-dunk States Uniformly make LESS money. Regardless of White/Black/Brown/Green populations

    The only exception is Texas. And that's because progressive cities like Austin or progressive suburbs like Woodlands that have very high paying jobs ( for which you need a very high level of post graduate education)

    Now tie in income Vs the compelling need to believe in a almighty bogeyman


    And that folks, is why the tea-baggers have a propensity to act like the Taliban

    High on Emotion. Low on facts.

    #33     Aug 17, 2009
  4. Religion VS Wealth?
    That all depends on how much "power" you give either, or both.
    #34     Aug 17, 2009
  5. clacy


    Fact: Southern states have a higher black population which means that the median incomes will be lower overall.

    Fact: Southern states have much lower cost of living which means that it takes much less income, to live a comparable life style.

    Fact: Those opposing government healthcare are net tax payers, employeed and/or retired and insured currently. They do not care to pay the way for illegals and young people who would rather spend their money on iPods than buy health insurance.
    #35     Aug 17, 2009
  6. Income Data posted in the chart above are SEPARATED for Whites only.

    Whites in Southern states make less across the board ( even adjusting for living cost ).

    So your "Facts" are False.

    Just like the Republican "liberal media" bogeyman. Or the common fallacy that the economy does better under a republican administration.

    Most of those opposing the govt. option healthcare don't have a clue why they are opposing. Except that dem thar "Brother Jonah" told him to scream like a 5 year old.

    You're dealing with individuals with low or non-existent cognitive ability. Kinda like McCains joe-the-plumber. idiot is on welfare yet dares question about taxes on a non-existent business he'll never own.

    Anyway, back to the original premise of this thread.

    Organized religion attracts individuals with low income.

    Income is highly correlated to education

    Southern states lag in all metrics of education

    Intelligence is required to pass the requisite examinations in a formal education.

    Therefore southerners are a tad lower on the IQ totem pole.

    The Data proves it.

    The data therefore conclusively explains why the average low-income white southern republican foot soldier consistently votes against his/her best interests and drinks deeply from the kool-aid of organized religion. After all, it's simpler to rely on "faith" than actually go out and do something to change ones circumstances in life.

    #36     Aug 18, 2009
  7. Ok, first of all. The ant cannot comprehend the greatness of man or be aware of his existence as he's crawling up his leg?

    Secondly, sorry to hear about your knee. However, it was God's will that your knee was damaged. If God wanted your knee to be healed and for you to be healthy again he would have healed you by his own hand. Who are you to go against God's will by seeking medical intervention? Did God speak to you and tell you to seek medical intervention? If not, he's probably a tad miffed.
    #37     Aug 18, 2009
  8. Quote from marketsurfer:

    this thread is built on false premises.

    the judeochristian world view is clearly what has allowed the west to thrive.



    That and guns. Lots and lots of guns.
    #38     Aug 18, 2009
  9. jem


    I do not really want to out one of the richest guys in the world for going to church... But I can tell you my mom has seen him in church with his wife. I suspect you have taken some pre marriage quotes.
    #39     Aug 18, 2009
  10. This info is from a canadian movie: 200M native southamericans killed in 100 years before gun invented by spanish christians.

    This is 5500 killed each day for 100 years! Cannot imagine the technology used. Glory glory aleluia !
    #40     Aug 18, 2009