Relax, its not that bad (yet)

Discussion in 'Trading' started by michaelscott, May 24, 2007.

  1. I looked at all of the indexes: OEX, SPX, MID, SML AND NDX COMPQ RUT and RUI NYA.

    The NDX and the COMPQ look like the worst and are now solidly in the lower Bollinger Band. This is alarming because the NDX contains the top 100 companies on the Nasdaq. The Nasdaq composite or COMPQ looks in similiar shape.

    The RUT is just under the 20 day.

    The RUI is up over the 20 day.

    The OEX, SPX and MID appear the most bullish over the 20 day.

    The NYA still bullish over the 20 day.

    The DJIA looks like the hand going into the sky.

    The DJIT is flashing an alarming sign as the price is being forced into the apex of a triangle which could spell something sweet or a horrible stench.

    I have concluded that the best place to be is with stocks on the NYSE with market caps over a bil.

    The DJIT and QQQQs are going to tank in the near future. Sorry Apple fans.
  2. Rugby


    Hey Mike-

    Do you mind if I ask how much money you run....or what size account ($$) are you trading? Just curious.
