Unfortunately, currently, there is no API available for RefcoPro such as XTraderAPI. API ehhancement is not just robot trading but also useful for basket-order. on-cancel-the-other order etc. RefcoPro is developed on some COM component that we can explore. In a sense this is the API. EasyRouterCOMClient.dll in the application folder is the one. [VisualStudio.net 2005- ObjectBrowser looking at EasyRouterCOMClientLibraliy ] <IMG SRC ="http://ken-okabe.net/EAT-API2.png"> After a quite research, I see a possiblity to access this API from the outside application while the Refco-Pro is running using a technique below. Automating Windows Applications http://www.codeproject.com/com/automatingwindowsapps.asp Of course, there is no support from the vendor, and it's pretty much irregular aproarch, but I just feel it's not very hard to do than I thought at the begining. There may be an issue that Refco Trading software agreement. So far, I developed some software employing GUI-auto-mouse-clicking solution, which works ok and with no problem. Just my thought. Forget.